With each extension, the scope of the suspension of the obligation to file for insolvency which was first introduced in March 2020 became more and more limited.


German insolvency law is governed by a comprehensive Insolvency Code which entered into force on January 1, 1999 and has been amended from time to time, the last major reform being the Act for the Further Facilitation of the Restructuring of Companies (ESUG) which largely came into force as of 1 March 2012. Further modifications were implemented in a second reform which came into force on 1 July 2014.There is only one primary uniform insolvency procedure which applies to both individuals and companies. In the following, we focus on companies.


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Dr. Thorsten Seidel, LL.M.
T.: +49 (0)30 2 20 02 81 724
E-Mail: Thorsten.Seidel
Beendigung von Ergebnisabführungsverträgen bei
M&A Transaktionen und Restrukturierungen
Ergebnisabführungsverträge („EAV“) sind häufig bei M&A Transaktionen und
im Rahmen von Restrukturierungen zu beenden. Zwei neuere
Gerichtsentscheidungen sollten dabei beachtet werden. Andernfalls laufen
die Parteien Gefahr, dass der EAV nicht ordnungsgemäß beendet wird oder


On 20 July 2018, the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf ruled that standard D&O insurances do not cover restitution claims for payments which managing directors of a limited liability company make after the company becomes insolvent. Whereas it is possible to obtain coverage for restitution claims, many older policies do not provide for this. Directors are well advised to check the scope of their insurance coverage.



1. Background of the claw-back reform

German insolvency law allows claw-back for actions made by the debtor during a period of up to 10 years prior to insolvency proceedings. Until the new rules entered into effect in April 2017, this long look-back period also applied to so-called coverage transactions, meaning payments to which the creditor was entitled under contract or law. The insolvency administrator only needed to prove that when making the payment the debtor willfully disadvantaged its other creditors, and the recipient of the payment was aware of this.


Der Bundestag hat Ende Februar 2017 eine Reform des Anfechtungsrechts verabschiedet. Die Reform bringt substantielle Änderungen des Insolvenzanfechtungsrechts, von denen in erster Linie Lieferanten und Dienstleister profitieren dürften, die sich Ansprüchen eines Insolvenzverwalters in der Insolvenz ihres Kunden ausgesetzt sehen. Die neuen Regeln sind am 5. April 2017 in Kraft getreten und gelten für alle Insolvenzverfahren, die ab diesem Datum eröffnet werden.

1. Hintergrund der Anfechtungsreform


With its judgment of November 28, 2016, the German Supreme Tax Court (Bundesfinanzhof; “BFH”) dismissed the application of the tax administration’s so-called restructuring decree (Sanierungserlass). The restructuring decree allowed, subject to certain conditions, a suspension and abatement of taxes on so-called cancellation-of-debt income (“COD-Income”) otherwise resulting from certain recapitalization measures such as the waiver of debt and “debt-to-equity swaps”.

With its judgment of 28 November 2016, the German Supreme Tax Court (Bundesfinanzhof; BFH) dismissed the application of the tax administration's so-called restructuring decree (Sanierungserlass). The restructuring decree allowed, subject to certain conditions, a suspension and abatement of taxes on so-called cancellation of debt income (COD Income) otherwise resulting from certain recapitalization measures such as the waiver of debt and debt-to-equity swaps.


Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the council on preventive restructuring frameworks, second chance and measures to increase the efficiency of restructuring, insolvency and discharge procedures and amending Directive 2012/30/EU