Law n°2011-331 dated 28 March 2011 (OJ of 29 March 2011) relating to modernising the legal professions includes the creation of a secure Internet portal aiming at relaxing the formalities related to insolvency. This national portal will allow the sending and reception of legal proceedings documents, including statements of claim.


The recent Cour de Cassation ruling in respect of the safeguard proceedings opened by Heart of La Défense SAS ("SAS Holdco") and its parent company, Sarl Dame Luxembourg ("Dame"), overturned the earlier decision of the Paris Court of Appeal in February 2010. The decision reinstated the safeguard proceedings of the two companies that were initiated in November 2008.



On 8 March 20111, the French Supreme Court issued an important decision for the restructuring, finance and private equity communities and their advisers in connection with the on-going litigation surrounding the Coeur Défense restructuring.


In France, when bankruptcy proceedings are instituted against a party involved in a pending arbitration it can result in conflicts between the applicable arbitration and insolvency rules. In that context, an arbitral tribunal sitting in France may be confronted with determining the extent to which they must defer to mandatory insolvency rules.


When it comes to securing enforcement, it is worth thinking outside the box, and looking at what can be done overseas: the French procedure code offers to litigants the ability to obtain the Court's authorization to perform conservatory measures which freeze your debtor's assets, by way of security, for the ultimate enforcement and performance of judgments made in substantive proceedings.


On October 11, 2010, the French Parliament adopted a significant amendment to the 2005 French Safeguard Procedure (procedure de sauvegarde), itself heavily inspired by the US Chapter 11 mechanisms. The new legislation introduces into French law summary safeguard proceedings -named "Accelerated Financial Safeguard" (sauvegarde financière accélérée). It grants legal basis to so-called "prepack" restructurings, i.e., out of court arrangements agreed to by a majority of creditors before the debtor files for a Court-driven restructuring.


In July 2006, after a long and unsuccessful attempt to reach an out-of-court restructuring of the indebtedness of the Eurotunnel group of companies, the managers of the Eurotunnel group requested the opening of main insolvency proceedings for all the companies in France.


Chapter 11 focuses on preserving reorganization or going concern value over liquidation value. As a corollary, Chapter 11 assumes that the most efficacious way to achieve that result is to retain management and enable multiple outcomes either through a plan of reorganization, a series of going concern sales and even a liquidating plan. Chapter 11 enables a wide range of proposals to be put into a reorganization plan, including having the company and its management survive the process.


Although safeguard proceedings have been used successfully as a negotiation tool in a number of high-profile cases (such as the Eurotunnel case), they have represented just 1 per cent of all insolvency proceedings in France since the Business Safeguard Act 2005 introduced the safeguard procedure in January 2006. The main reason for this lack of success is the continuing stigma that is attached to insolvency proceedings in France.


Tax treatment in the hands of the creditor

The tax treatment of the forgiveness of debt within a group of companies depends on whether or not such forgiveness is of a “normal nature”. In order to be considered as being of a normal nature, the ‘advantage’ granted by a parent/creditor to its subsidiary/debtor must involve valid business reasons.
