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It is now possible for creditors and co-contractors of insolvent companies to take certain steps in French insolvency proceedings and make certain statements “online”.

Published in the middle of August, the 2015-1009 decree of 18 August 2015 could easily have gone unnoticed, if it hadn’t been expected for several months by us “technophile” practitioners.


A scandal in the world of letters and old manuscripts would not have gone unnoticed and the French case of Aristophil has lead to extensive press coverage; a massive fraud is suspected with thousands of works and hundreds of millions of euros at stake.


This quick guide summarises the duties that directors of companies incorporated in France are subject to, and how those duties change when the company is insolvent or at risk of being insolvent. 

This quick guide summarises the duties that directors of companies incorporated in France are subject to, and how those duties change when the company is insolvent or at risk of being insolvent.

It also gives an overview of the personal risk to directors when the company is in financial difficulty.


French businesses face significant business disruption, as does any country faced with restrictions in place to curb movement of people because of Covid-19.

In this blog we consider what the restrictions are in France and what help is on offer.

What restrictions are in place and why is this impacting businesses?

The current restrictions, announced on March 16, 2020 by the President of the Republic are designed to minimize contact and travel and will be in place from Tuesday, March 17 at 12:00 p.m., for a minimum of fifteen days.


TA Montreuil 18-1-2018 n°1701374

Le tribunal administratif de Montreuil apporte des précisions dans le cadre des opérations de dissolution sans liquidation.

D’une part, il étend la solution rendue en matière de fusions aux transmissions universelles de patrimoine en jugeant que les charges et les dettes nées chez l’absorbée avant la fusion sont prise en compte pour le calcul de la rémunération des apports et doivent donc être considérées comme un élément du prix d’acquisition et non comme une charge se rapportant à la gestion de l’absorbante.


Une ordonnance, n° 2017-1519 du 2 novembre 2017, porte adaptation du droit français au nouveau règlement européen relatif aux procédures d'insolvabilité (Règlement (UE) n° 2015/848 du 20 mai 2015).

Le nouveau Règlement, révisant le règlement (CE) n° 1346/2000 du Conseil du 29 mai 2000, est entré en vigueur dans les États membres le 26 juin 2017.

L'objectif de l’ordonnance est de :

Three years ago, the Commercial Code amended the procedure for declaring debts in France with the aim of simplifying the management of insolvency proceedings.

Before this reform, the only way for creditors (excluding employees) to declare their debts was to send their proof of debt to the receiver within 2 months (or 4 months for those living outside France) from the publication of the judgment opening the safeguard procedure, adminstration or liquidation – or be debarred.


Il y a trois ans déjà, l’ordonnance du 12 mars 2014, conçue dans le but de « simplifier » la gestion des procédures collectives, est venue modifier la procédure de déclaration des créances.

Avant cette réforme, les créanciers (hors salariés) devaient adresser leur déclaration de créances au mandataire judiciaire dans un délai de deux mois (quatre mois pour ceux résidant hors de France Métropolitaine) à partir de la publication au BODACC du jugement ouvrant la procédure de sauvegarde, de redressement ou de liquidation judiciaire, sous peine de forclusion.
