(ORDONNANCE Nº 2014-326 DU 12 MARS 2014 ET DÉCRET NO 2014-736 DU 30 JUIN 2014)

La nouvelle ordonnance nº 2014-326 du 12 mars 2014 modifie avec environ 120 articles essentiellement insérés dans le Code de Commerce, le régime des entreprises en difficulté. Un décret d’application publié le 30 juin 2014 a précisé les détails de ce texte.

Nous exposons ici quelques points principaux de la réforme (liste non exhaustive) :


Given the unfortunate reputation of French courts for awarding substantial damages to employees for unfair terminations, US corporations with operations in France are anxious to limit their financial and legal exposure in case of litigation initiated by their French workforce.  How to achieve this efficiently is a far from rhetorical question as French employees frequently pull in the US parent company as a named defendant.  The recent decision of the French Supreme Court [Cass. Soc.


The court provides guidance on liability if a subsidiary goes bankrupt because of the misconduct and careless management of its parent company.

Over the last few years, employees have increasingly sought to hold the parent companies of their employers liable for the subsidiaries’ actions by trying to demonstrate that the parent entity is the employee’s co-employer, i.e., that the employee has two employers: the company that hired him or her and its parent company.

To demonstrate this co-employment situation, the employee must prove either that


This newsletter refers to Restructuring, Insolvency and Bankruptcy news of November 2014.

H.A.M.A.C: adoption de la première sauvegarde accélérée

Le 19 septembre 2014, le tribunal de commerce de Nanterre a ouvert la toute première procédure de sauvegarde accélérée au bénéfice de H.A.M.A.C, la société holding du groupe Alma Consulting, auquel appartient le cabinet de conseil Alma Consulting Group.


Le projet de loi relatif à la lutte contre la fraude fiscale et la grande délinquance économique et financière vient d’être adopté par l’Assemblée nationale le 5 novembre 2013. Ce texte prévoit notamment, dans son article 29, un allongement du délai d’opposition des créanciers aux opérations de dissolution sans liquidation des sociétés unipersonnelles pour le porter de 30 à 60 jours


Executive Order n° 2014-326 of 12 March 2014 reforming French insolvency proceedings was published in the Official Journal of the French Republic (Journal officiel de la République Française) on 14 March 2014.

Considered a priority by the Government, the objectives of this reform include, notably, favoring preventative measures and increasing the powers of creditors.1 Below are the principal provisions which will enter into force on 1 July 2014:

Amicable proceedings: mandat ad hoc, conciliation proceeding


The French government has recently published a new regulation (ordonnance n°2014-326 dated March 12, 2014) amending France’s bankruptcy law. Its aim is to facilitate further restructurings of French companies, in particular with respect to pre-insolvency consensual restructurings, and to give creditors a greater say in the restructuring process.



Order No. 2014-326 of March 12 (the "Order"), adopted pursuant to enabling legislation No. 2014-1 of January 2, significantly modernizes French distressed companies law.  

The primary objective of the Order is to encourage recourse to mediation proceedings and conciliation proceedings, the efficiency and success of which have been demonstrated consistently in recent major financial restructurings. 
