Hat ein Erwerber von Geschäftsanteilen an einer Immobiliengesellschaft ein Sonderkündigungsrecht für bestehende Miet- oder Pachtverhältnisse?
Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation sollten Unternehmen ihre Geschäftspartner im Blick behalten, um zu verhindern, dass deren finanzielle Krise zur eigenen wird.
Die Krise von Geschäftspartnern* kann schon vor der Insolvenz unmittelbar wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen auf den eigenen Geschäftsbetrieb haben, wenn Leistungen nicht mehr oder nur unzureichend erbracht oder Rechnungen nicht mehr bezahlt werden.
Currently, Ukrainian legislation does not provide for a separate “pre-pack proceeding” as outlined in the draft EU directive for harmonising insolvency law (“Directive Proposal”). However, selling a business is a legally feasible option under the Ukrainian Bankruptcy Code and related laws, both in a pre-bankruptcy phase and during bankruptcy proceeding.
In response to the proposal by the EU Commission on 7 December 2022 that an EU Directive be issued to harmonise certain aspects of insolvency law, this article provides a look into one of the main topics of the draft directive – pre-pack reorganisation proceedings as regulated in Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which are candidate countries for accession to the EU.
Le 20 juin 2019, le Parlement Européen a adopté une nouvelle directive qui harmonise pour la première fois le droit de l’insolvabilité au niveau européen.
L’attente fut longue avant que le processus de transposition en droit belge n’aboutisse enfin par l’adoption d’un projet de loi en mai 2023, et par la publication de la loi le 7 juin 2023.
La loi, dont le maître mot sera l’efficacité, entrera en vigueur le 1er septembre 2023.
On June, 20 2019, the European Parliament adopted a new directive harmonising insolvency law at a European level for the first time.
It was a long wait before the process of transposition into Belgian law finally came to fruition with the adoption in May 2023, and the publication of the law on June, 7 2023.
The law, whose guiding principle is “efficiency”, will come into force on September, 1 2023.
Op 20 juni 2019 heeft het Europees Parlement voor het eerst een nieuwe richtlijn aangenomen die het insolventierecht op Europees niveau harmoniseert.
Het was lang wachten tot het proces van omzetting in Belgisch recht eindelijk werd afgerond met de goedkeuring van een wetsontwerp in mei 2023 en de publicatie van de wet op 7 juni 2023.
De wet, waarvan efficiëntie het sleutelwoord is, zal op 1 september 2023 in werking treden.
Dit is een belangrijke stap in de richting van de modernisering van de insolventiewetgeving.
Belgium had accumulated a significant legislative backlog within insolvency law. The European Directive 2019/1023 on restructuring had to be transposed into national law by the member states by 17 July 2022 at the latest. The Belgian government did not submit a draft bill to this effect until 20 March 2023. This draft has since been voted into law and will enter into force on 1 September 2023.
Several amendments are being made to (among others) Book XX of the Belgian Economic Law. The main amendments are briefly discussed below.
In late 2022, the European Commission proposed a new Directive with a view to harmonise certain aspects of insolvency law. One of the most important innovations to be introduced in this Draft Directive is pre-pack proceedings.
What is a pre-pack sale?
Only a year ago, Slovakia transposed EU Directive 2019/2023 on preventive restructuring frameworks with an intention to reform insolvency proceedings and make them more effective.