El 6 de junio el Consejo de la Unión Europea aprobó la Propuesta de Directiva del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo sobre marcos de reestructuración preventiva, segunda oportunidad y medidas para aumentar la eficacia de los procedimientos de condonación, insolvencia y reestructuración.

Con ello se pone fin al proceso legislativo de la Directiva y queda pendiente solo de publicación en el Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea (DOUE).

En términos generales, la directiva aprobada impone a los Estados miembros la implementación de normativa armonizada relativa a:


A member state’s court entertaining an insolvency proceeding has exclusive jurisdiction to entertain clawback actions brought within the proceeding


On June 6 the Council of the European Union approved the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on preventive restructuring frameworks, second chance and measures to increase the efficiency of restructuring, insolvency and discharge procedures.

This marks an end to the legislative process of the Directive, which is now pending to be publisged in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Put concisely, the approved directive imposes an obligation on member states to implement harmonized legislation on:


The past couple of years have seen a number of major airlines collapse, including Monarch and Air Berlin. Unfortunately, this year has already seen the number of casualties pile up with the likes of WOW Air, FlyBMI, Primera Air and Jet Airways all ceasing operations. With Thomas Cook – the UK’s oldest travel operator – the latest in jeopardy, we look at Lexology’s recent articles in an attempt to analyse this trend and explore the legislation being introduced to support the aviation industry.

Need some AIR – can airlines operate when insolvent?


The European Parliament's proposal of 28 March 2019 for a Directive of the European Parliament on preventive restructuring frameworks, second chance and measures to increase the efficiency of restructuring, insolvency and restructuring proceedings (hereinafter, the "Directive") aims at developing national preventive restructuring frameworks.


On 28 March 2019 the European Parliament adopted a Directive on insolvency, restructuring and second chance (the Directive). This project has had a long tail, following a Commission Recommendation issued in 2014 and, after that had no impact, a draft Directive in November 2016. This draft Directive is now about come to fruition. It has three main aims


On 28 March 2019 the European Parliament adopted a Directive on insolvency, restructuring and second chance (the Directive). This project has had a long tail, following a Commission Recommendation issued in 2014 and, after that had no impact, a draft Directive in November 2016. This draft Directive is now about come to fruition. It has three main aims

1. to ensure that member states have a preventive restructuring framework – which includes a restructuring plan;


While a range of outcomes, including a departure under the terms of the current Withdrawal Agreement, remains possible, it is important for businesses to plan for a no-deal Brexit, in which the UK leaves the EU without a withdrawal agreement or other deal. Here we look at the potential impact of a no-deal Brexit on cross-border corporate recovery and insolvency.

Key issues

  • It is common for the ownership and operation of a hotel to be separated and this should be reflected in a lender's security package.
  • In the event of financial distress, a review of the hotel holding and operating structure and security package is essential to identify pre-enforcement and enforcement options available to the lender.
  • The practicalities of enforcement need to be considered alongside the legal options, including the position in relation to existing licences and short term funding requirements, as this will inform the strategy for how the a


April 2019

The EU Risk Reduction Package: The Countdown for Restructuring the MREL Base Has Just Begun
