In January 2021, Law 14.112/20 introduced a new section into the Brazilian Bankruptcy Law (the "BBL") regulating financing for companies which are the subject of a court-supervised reorganisation.
Esta é a primeira edição do “Brasília em Pauta”, um boletim preparado pela equipe de Contencioso de Brasília, contendo os principais casos a serem julgados pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) e Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), bem como importantes questões a serem votadas pela Câmara dos Deputados e Senado Federal.
O Conselho Nacional de Justiça (“CNJ”) aprovou, na 307ª Sessão Ordinária, realizada de forma virtual no dia 31 de março de 2020, orientações para os juízos competentes para processamento de recuperações judiciais, diante do estado de calamidade pública e severo impacto econômico gerados pelo COVID-19.
As orientações foram aprovadas pelo CNJ por meio do Ato Normativo nº 0002561-26.2020.2.00.0000, sob relatoria do Conselheiro Relator Henrique Ávila.
A pandemia acarretada pelo Covid-19 impactou severamente a atividade econômica, diante da necessidade de adoção de medidas cada vez mais restritivas com o objetivo de diminuir a curva de propagação do coronavírus.
O impacto econômico está sendo sentido por diversos setores da economia, sendo que a mudança abrupta no cenário financeiro surpreendeu o mercado como um todo e tem tornado cada vez mais difícil o cumprimento de obrigações pelas partes contratantes.
At the III Commercial Law Conference held on June 7, 2019, the Council of the Federal Justice approved Precedent No. 104, according to which there will be no transfer of liabilities regarding financial penalties imposed under Law No. 12.846/2013 (Clean Company Act) on the acquirer of assets when the acquisition is based on article 60 of Law No. 11,101/2005 (Brazilian Restructuring and Bankruptcy Law).
The Federative Republic of Brazil is the largest country in South America and the world’s fifth largest country, both by land mass (almost 8.6 million square kilometers) and population (more than 200 million people). It is the only lusophone (Portuguese-speaking) country in otherwise Spanish-speaking Latin America and the largest lusophone country in the world. Brazil is a member of the G20, and one of the BRICS countries, along with Russia, India, China and South Africa. The country’s Constitution serves as the foundation of the Brazilian legal framework and sets forth fundamental rights.
Although in some jurisdictions arbitration is a long-established form of alternative dispute resolution, this mechanism has only recently been regulated in Brazil. The Brazilian Commercial Code, enacted in 1850, already included a few sparse provisions regarding commercial arbitration, but there were no references to specific rules. It was not until 1996 that Brazil passed its first specific arbitration statute, Law No. 9,307/96 (Arbitration Law).
In brief
The State Court of Appeals of São Paulo has recently decided that creditors cannot try to collect from the guarantors of a company that is under judicial reorganization. Until then, that court understood that guarantees could not be reduced or released based on the filing of judicial reorganization lawsuits, unless the creditor who held the guarantee expressly agreed.
On December 24, 2020 Brazilian Bankruptcy Law was amended by Law 14.112, to make the process of bankruptcy and judicial recuperation (Brazilian equivalent to US Chapter 11) more efficient, in view of the final distress triggered by the COVID-19 pandemia.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly reshaped the global business landscape. Some companies that only months ago seemed unstoppably profitable have been brought to an existential brink by extended lockdowns, supply chain failures, and other obstacles caused by the pandemic. Other companies who have experienced less disruption (or in some cases windfalls) stand at the threshold of opportunity even as they prepare themselves for the challenges of the 'new normal'.