
In bankruptcy, attorney´s fees are a fundamental element of the process when establishing the correct compensation for those professionals representing the interests of the parties involved. This matter sometimes sparks intense debates in the legal field, particularly regarding the classification of these credits as concurrent or non-concurrent. In this regard, especially when constituted after the declaration of bankruptcy, the matter of the concurrent vs. non-concurrent nature of attorney´s fees had different perspectives over the years.


Há algum tempo o Brasil tem sido o maior receptor de investimento estrangeiro direto na América Latina devido ao seu tamanho (7ª maior economia e 2ª maior população do hemisfério ocidental), a sua riqueza de recursos naturais e relativa estabilidade política. A maioria dos investimentos no Brasil proporciona aos investidores um retorno atraente. O paíspode apresentar desafios para os investidores, especialmente os que não estão familiarizados com os desafios do “custo brasil” (ou seja, o alto custo para fazer negócios no Brasil) ou seu ambiente de negócios único.


Brazil has been the single largest recipient of foreign direct investment in Latin America for some time due to its size (7th largest economy and 2nd biggest population in the western hemisphere), its wealth of natural resources, and relative political stability. Most investments in Brazil provide investors with an attractive return, but some do not. Brazil can present challenges for investors, especially those not familiar with the challenges of “custo brasil” (i.e., high cost of doing business in Brazil) or its unique business environment.



On April 9th , the Second Panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) unanimously ruled a case law regarding Special Appeals 2.090.060, 2.090.066 and 2.100.114, which were heard by Justice Humberto Martins, for judgment by the repetitive rite.

The controversial issue, registered as Theme 1,250 in the STJ database, analyzed “whether an award of attorney's fees is due in the event of a claim being upheld in judicial reorganization and bankruptcy proceedings”.


Following several years of declining recuperações judiciais filings in Brazil, nearly 600 companies requested court protection in the first six months of 2023, a 52% increase over the same period in 2022.

Total filings remain below the number seen between 2016-2018, when Brazil went through one of its worst economic crises. However, there is a clear separation from the lower number of filings during the pandemic years of 2020-2022, when there was an increase in government support and creditors were more patient.


Renato G R Maggio, Renata Oliveira, Camilo T Gerosa Gomes and Karina Ferraz Deorio, Machado Meyyer Advoggados

This is an extract from the 2023 edition of GRR's the Americas Restructuring Review. The whole publication is available here.

In summary


Thomas Benes Felsberg, Fabiana Solano, Clara Moreira Azzoni and Thiago Dias Costa, Felsberg Advogados

This is an extract from the second edition of The Guide to Restructuring published by Latin Lawyer. The whole publication is available here.

Overview of recent reforms in Brazilian Bankruptcy Law


Jorge Luis Moreno Félix, Jose Ignacio El-Mir Arnedo, Abraham Maldonado Zenteno and Iván Neftalí Hernández, PwC

This is an extract from the second edition of The Guide to Restructuring published by Latin Lawyer. The whole publication is available here.


Marcelo Ricupero, Frederico Kerr Bullamah, Giovanna Campedelli and Bernardo Ferreira Martins da Costa, Mattos Filho Veiga Filho Marrey Jr e Quiroga Advogados

This is an extract from the second edition of The Guide to Restructuring published by Latin Lawyer. The whole publication is available here.


Fonte: Uol

A Justiça trabalhista de Minas Gerais concedeu decisão favorável ao Cruzeiro SAF para livra-la da cobrança direta de uma dívida do clube. Houve o entendimento judicial que a Lei das SAF se tornaria “inútil” se o clube-empresa pudesse ser alvo de todas as ações por débitos da associação.
