Written by Côme de Girval, Capstan Avocats

If an employer finds itself in financial difficulties that involve liquidation or restructuring, employee entitlements could be at risk. Compulsory insurance schemes in some jurisdictions can provide employees with important guarantees.


By Jochen Saal

Acquiring a business on insolvency can have pitfalls, especially if it involves an employee occupational pension scheme. Will the German Federal Labour Court’s case law, which is favourable to acquirers, continue to apply following a recent European Court of Justice decision?

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for businesses worldwide and meeting those challenges unfortunately means that in some cases, redundancies are unavoidable. Ius Laboris lawyers across the globe have compiled a set of generally applicable tips for employers facing the need to restructure their businesses.

Dos and don’ts for international employers


By Vicky Carr, Firm:  Sackers

Expedited as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (the ‘Act’) received Royal Assent on 25 June 2020. The Act is designed to provide businesses in financial difficulties with the flexibility and breathing space they need to continue trading and/or to explore a potential rescue or restructuring. This article examines its implications for pensions.

Key points


By Claeys & Engels

In mid-June, parties supporting the Belgian minority government agreed on a set of additional support measures for employers with a view to boosting the economy in the aftermath of the corona crisis. This article sets out details.


By Seffy Zinger and Asaf Nahum , Firm:  Herzog Fox & Neeman

When a company is on the verge of insolvency directors and CEOs become subject to more enhanced scrutiny under Israeli law. This article, first published on the CTech website, provides guidance.


By Julia Wittig, Firm: Kliemt.HR Lawyers

The German Federal Labour Court has ruled that cabin crew of the insolvent Air Berlin were not entitled to compensation for the loss of their jobs.


Deutsche Unternehmen, die in internationale Konzernstrukturen eingebunden sind, sehen sich oftmals mit der Herausforderung konfrontiert, dass die ihnen übergeordneten Gruppengesellschaften bestimmte Entscheidungen schlicht treffen und entsprechend (lokal) die Umsetzung erwarten. Ist aber jede “global” getroffene Entscheidung rechtlich kein Thema für die lokale deutsche Organisation? Wir zeigen, wo dies ein Fehlverständnis ist und an welchen Stellen sich arbeitsrechtliche Hindernisse auftun können.

Restrukturierungen und Transformationen


In unserer Blogserie „Epic fails bei Restrukturierungen“ ging es zuletzt um taktische Fehler bei Verhandlungen mit Betriebsräten. In diesem Teil zeigen wir, mit welchen Maßnahmen Unternehmen schon vor Abschluss der Verhandlungen mit dem Betriebsrat die Umsetzung vorbereiten können und mit welchen Aktionen besser noch gewartet werden sollte.
