HR Colsultancy

JOBS ACT - Fixed term employment contract: potential fines for those companies with 20% or more of their employees on fixed term contracts

Current proposed amendments by the Jobs Act include (i) replacing the fine for conversion of fixed term contracts exceeding the 20% limit into open-ended contracts with a fine to be paid to the employee and (ii) the clarification of the reintroduction of basic training for apprentices. 


Changes in law What’s new in the Polish law? An overview of selected changes in regulations and their impact on business Wierzbowski Eversheds | 2016 – Changes in law 2 Introduction We are pleased to present to you our brochure reviewing the changes in law that may soon have a significant impact on your business. The publication contains commentaries and analyses gathered from the perspective of what in our view may be important in 2016. The materials also reflect the issues our law firm encounters every day.


During the current economic slowdown businesses in many industries, including some in the industrial engineering sector, are struggling to make payments to suppliers; some have even gone into bankruptcy. However, under Polish law it is possible for a creditor to achieve some protection even if specific provisions are absent from the contract.


What’s on the horizon? A focus on dispute resolution in the Year of the Rooster What's on the horizon? A focus on dispute resolution in the Year of the Rooster 1 What to expect in the Year of the Rooster In this bulletin we examine some of the key dispute resolution and regulatory challenges facing business managers, financial controllers, and in-house counsel in the Year of the Rooster. 1.


How will it impact on pensions?

Under the Bankruptcy Act 1988, the general rule is that all property “belonging” to a person adjudicated bankrupt on the date of adjudication vested in the Official Assignee. The extent to which this rule extended to pension assets depended on the type of pension vehicle the person being declared bankrupt participated in and the actual terms of the pension scheme or policy.

The 1988 Act has now been amended to include detailed and prescriptive provisions relating to the treatment of pension assets on bankruptcy.


There have been a number of recent developments regarding the current system of examinership and the legislation governing repossession and other lender’s rights. Norman Fitzgerald, Partner and Head of Eversheds’ Insolvency Group, discusses the proposed amendments and their likely impact.

Circuit Court Provisions for Examinership


Veidojot tiesiskumā balstītu uzņēmējdarbības vidi, Ārvalstu investoru padome Latvijā (ĀIPL) organizēja paneļdiskusiju un augsta līmeņa tikšanos valdībā, turpinot jau ilggadējo sadarbību ar nolūku sekmēt kvalitatīvu investīciju piesaisti.

26. maija paneļdiskusijā biroja vecākais partneris Māris Vainovskis pārstāvēja ĀIPL tiesu sistēmas efektivitātes un investīciju aizsardzības darba grupu par tiesiskuma jautājumiem Latvijā.


Amendments to the Law on the Legal Status of Aliens

The draft amendments to the Law on the Legal Status of Aliens (hereinafter – the Law) aim to ensure more effective control of the migration of the aliens that are posing risk, to reduce the threat of their temporary or permanent residency in Lithuania, as well to establish an order for the urgent issuance of residence permits in the Republic of Lithuania.  


Įstatymo Dėl užsieniečių teisinės padėties pakeitimai

Įstatymo Dėl užsieniečių teisinės padėties (toliau tekste – „Įstatymas“) pakeitimo projektu siekiama užtikrinti veiksmingesnę riziką keliančių užsieniečių migracijos kontrolę, mažinti tokių asmenų laikino ar nuolatinio apsigyvenimo Lietuvoje grėsmę, taip pat įtvirtinti leidimų gyventi Lietuvoje išdavimo skubos tvarka institutą.
