The National Debtors Register (Krajowy Rejestr Zadłużonych “KRZ”) began operating in Poland in July 2021.
The KRZ is a new valuable tool providing, among other things, information on debtors. It is a statewide, public register and can be accessed by any person who has the debtor's PESEL (Polish national identification number) or NIP (Polish taxpayer's identification number) or the file reference number of the debtor's case.
In a recent judgment, the English court refused to sanction a restructuring plan put forward by oil and gas producer, Hurricane Energy PLC.
On 17 May 2021, in the third of a trio of landlord challenge cases, the English High Court revoked Regis UK Limited's company voluntary arrangement (CVA) on one ground of unfair prejudice, but ruled against landlords seeking repayment of fees against the nominees.
The facts
On 1 January 2021, the German Law for the Further Development of the Restructuring and Insolvency Laws (SanInsFoG) came into force.
Crucially, this contains a stabilisation and restructuring framework for businesses (StaRUG). Set out within this are new procedures for out-of-court pre-insolvency restructurings in Germany (the German Scheme), introduced in connection with the Directive on restructuring and insolvency of 20 June 2019 ((EU) 2019/1023) (Restructuring Directive). Also worthy of mention is the fact that the German Insolvency Code has undergone significant changes.
In a recent judgment on directors’ liability (Bundesgerichtshof, 18 November 2020, IV ZR 217/19), the German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) has clarified the scope of D&O insurance coverage, holding that company directors are entitled to its protection.
Under section 64 of the German Companies Act (GmbHG), the managing director of a company is obliged to reimburse payments which have been made after the company becomes illiquid or over-indebted but not when the payments are made with the diligence of a prudent businessman. Such permitted payments include those that are necessary for production, internal operation, and the maintenance of the business concern.
Where the law to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in civil, insolvency and criminal proceedings (COVInsAG) is concerned, the German Parliament has introduced rules regarding the suspension of a managing director’s obligation to file for insolvency. It has also issued important statements regarding the liability of managing directors and the legal position of new loans, especially shareholder loans.
In the event that the obligation to file for insolvency is suspended:
Im Zuge der „Corona-Krise“ benötigen viele betroffene Unternehmen dringend staatliche Unterstützung, um akute Liquiditätsengpässe zeitnah abwenden zu können und um ihre Eigenkapitalquote zu stärken. Der Bund hat dazu nun das Gesetz zur Errichtung eines Wirtschaftsstabilisierungsfonds (WStFG) erlassen. Das WStFG sieht die Errichtung eines Wirtschaftsstabilisierungsfonds (WSF) zur Stützung der Realwirtschaft vor (Ausführliche Informationen zum WSF wie bspw. zu Antragsberechtigungen, Voraussetzungen und Zuständigkeiten finden Sie u.a.
Bankruptcy and restructuring law in Poland is undergoing considerable modernisation, as demonstrated by the following:
Law No. 47/2010/QH12 on credit institutions has been amended pursuant to Law No. 17/2017/QH14 (“Amended Law”) passed by the National Assembly. The Amended Law came into effect on 15 January 2018.
The Amended Law provides grounds for special control by the State Bank of Vietnam (“SBV”) against underperforming credit institutions which:
have failed to maintain liquidity requirements;
have accumulated losses exceeding 50% of the charter capital and reserve funds as recorded in the latest audited financial statements;