Over the last year, several court decisions have touched on the legislative conflict between taxation authorities and secured creditors in insolvency situations.
Secured Creditor’s Priority Over Unremitted GST/HST: SCC Grants Callidus Capital Corporation Leave to Appeal
On March 22, 2018, the Supreme Court of Canada granted Callidus Capital Corporation (the “Secured Creditor”) leave to appeal the Federal Court of Appeal decision that interpreted subsection 222(3) of the Excise Tax Act (Canada) (the “ETA”) as giving the Crown super priority to property received by a secured creditor from a tax debtor before bankruptcy.
Le 22 mars 2018, la Cour suprême du Canada a accordé à Callidus Capital Corporation (le « créancier garanti ») l’autorisation d’interjeter appel de la décision de la Cour d’appel fédérale dont l’interprétation du paragraphe 222(3) de la Loi sur la taxe d’accise (Canada) (la « LTA ») donne à la Couronne la priorité absolue sur les biens reçus par un créancier garanti d’un débiteur fiscal avant la faillite.
Canada v Callidus Capital Corporation
- On January 12, 2018, the Federal Court of Appeal (“FCA”) delivered its judgment in North Shore Power Group Inc. v.
Jurisprudence canadienne récente en matière d’insolvabilité : ce que les prêteurs doivent savoir Linc Rogers, Caitlin McIntyre et Ilia Kravtsov L’issue d’un certain nombre de dossiers d’insolvabilité portés devant les tribunaux de diverses provinces du Canada en 2017 pourrait avoir une incidence importante sur les droits de réalisation et de recouvrement des prêteurs commerciaux dans le cadre de procédures de restructuration et d’insolvabilité.
In 2017, a number of insolvency cases were litigated, in various provinces across Canada, which may materially affect the realization and recovery rights of commercial lenders in restructuring and insolvency proceedings. This article summarizes the core issue of importance to lenders in each of these cases and provides an update on their appeal status.
November 2, 2017 September 11, 2017
Squestre de Gestion EGR inc. et Lemieux Nolet inc., syndics de faillite et gestionnaires
In 2016-0628741I7, CRA headquarters was asked by a CRA tax services office whether s. 143.4 would apply in respect of a debt-restructuring plan (the Plan) at a point in time before the unpaid interest owing by the taxpayer was actually settled (forgiven) under the Plan steps. CRA headquarters answered yes. The takeaway: this view can potentially result in income in the course of debt restructuring before the debt is actually settled. Here are the main points:
While Canada’s legal system will be familiar to many foreign investors and companies, the Canadian legal system and laws have a number of unique aspects that might surprise you. Understanding these unique aspects of Canadian law is critical to your business success in Canada. Gowling WLG understands the challenges of establishing and conducting business in this country. With offices in major cities across Canada, we provide effective counsel and insightful business solutions that help our clients access the full potential of the Canadian marketplace.