The remaining credit after the cancelation of its guarantee through an assignment in lieu of payment (dación en pago) in favor of a creditor with a lower-ranking guarantee is an ordinary credit and cannot be subject to a new classification
The insolvency administration is authorized to sell the production unit of the insolvent company Antibióticos, S.A.U. to Black Toro Capital S.A.R.L.
It used to be the case that mortgage creditors could rest easy knowing they held a mortgage, and that they would be repaid with the proceeds of the sale of the mortgaged asset, even in the event of an insolvency.
A claim filed by insolvency practitioners requesting the termination of contract of payment in kind, which was entered into between a party under insolvency proceedings and a third party, centred on the giving of a slicer machine in consideration of debt; whether the credit of the defendant was qualified as subordinated as a result of damages resulting from the company’s inability to operation, and for violating the principle of equality among creditors.
The recent reform of the Bankruptcy Act (operated under RD 11/2014 dated September 5, 2014) intended to extend the bankruptcy agreement modifications in favor of the pre-insolvency restructuring and refinancing agreements which were introduced in March 2014.
The reform has a special provision for privileged creditors with warranties subject to specific valuation formulas, to be adjusted to the actual financial value of the guaranteed credit. Any portion of debts that exceed this value will not be considered as privileged, but will be ordinarily classified.
Análisis GA&P | Diciembre 2014 1 1. ¿Alcanza el efecto de paralización de ejecuciones sobre bienes necesarios del deudor que realiza la comunicación del artículo 5 bis de la Ley Concursal a la efectividad de una medida cautelar acordada contra el patrimonio del deudor? Respuesta: En principio, la mera efectividad de una medida cautelar no puede quedar comprendida en la paralización de las ejecuciones judiciales de bienes o derechos, pues única y exclusivamente está preordenada a garantizar la tutela de fondo que se pide.
Significant developments have taken place in the Spanish insolvency legal framework during 2014, focusing mainly on these areas:
REFORM OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT: Royal Decree-Act 11/2014
(passed on 5/9/2014; in force since 6/9/14)
Este comentario tiene la finalidad de avanzar en el diálogo recíproco iniciado con las propuestas de interpretación de los jueces de lo Mercantil de Madrid sobre las nuevas reglas de calificación culpable del concurso (Acuerdo de 7 y 21 de noviembre del 2014).Análisis GA&P | Enero 2015 1 1.
The Madrid Senior Commercial Judges have published the conclusions of the meetings held on November 7 and 21 on the unification of applicable criteria of the reforms of the Insolvency Act enacted by Royal Decree-Law 11/201415 and Act 17/2014.16