The preliminary draft of the law on structural changes of commercial companies approved by the Spanish Government on 14 February (the "Preliminary Draft") aims to transpose Directive (EU) 2019/2121 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132 regarding cross-border transformations, mergers and demergers of companies
The commercial judges of Madrid publish a guidefor the appointment of an expert on insolvency pre-pack
Public disclosure not required of appointment of expert in restructuring in the context of a pre-insolvency notice
Decision by Pontevedra Commercial Court No 3 on November 16, 2022
In the context of a pre-insolvency notice made on a confidential basis in which the debtor requests appointment of the expert in restructuring, Pontevedra Commercial Court took the view that the appointment does not have to be sent to the Public Insolvency Register to publicly disclose their identity.
No se exige publicidad del nombramiento del experto en reestructuración en el marco de una comunicación de negociaciones de carácter reservado
Auto del Juzgado de lo Mercantil núm. 3 de Pontevedra, de 16 de noviembre de 2022
Spanish Insolvency Law 16/2022
Los jueces de lo mercantil de Madrid publican una guía para el nombramiento de experto en pre-pack concursal
You can find below a high-level summary of the brand new instruments the reform has introduced in the Spanish corporate restructuring and insolvency toolkit.
1. New restructuring plan
A US Chapter 11-like plan with very light court-involvement and a number of new main features in case it is court-homologated:
1. Fully debtor-in-possession.
Este mes las resoluciones reseñadas son menos y de menor relevancia que el mes pasado. Destacamos en todo caso el auto de homologación de uno de los primeros planes de restructuración aprobados tras la entrada en vigor de la nueva ley 16/2022 con una peculiar formación de clases donde muchas de ellas son clases unipersonales.
También destacamos un auto del Juzgado de lo Mercantil número 3 de Gijón que niega el embargo preventivo de los bienes de los administradores de la concursada por no apreciarse que vaya a existir un déficit concursal.
Esta edición tiene esta vez bastante contenido interesante entre el que destacamos:
Overall leveraged finance activity in Spain declined in 2022, driven primarily by a severe drop in high yield bond issuance—as was the case in virtually all markets. Having weathered the worst of COVID-19, many companies had already taken steps to bring their debt under control. However, the new year brought with it new challenges, from rising inflation to events in Ukraine.