About a year ago the Dutch Court of Appeal* – confirming the decision of the primary relief judge - rendered an interesting judgment in the field of asset recovery. Currently the case is pending before the Supreme Court. Recently the Advocate General rendered its Advisory Opinion in which he advises the Supreme Court to confirm this decision of the Court of Appeal, and also to clarify its case law regarding immunity from execution.
Brick and mortar retail businesses, including restaurants, have faced especially difficult challenges during COVID-19. Under the various stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders that have been issued by state governors, retail stores had no choice but to close for weeks or months. Stores that have been able to reopen are operating at limited capacity due to social distancing guidelines. With either no sales or greatly reduced sales, retail companies have had trouble generating enough revenue to pay rent and many have had to close permanently.
Our regular round-up of recent developments and topics for your radar, news on training and networking events for in-house counsel, and an update on our legal tech initiatives.
The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 was passed on 25 June 2020. The legislation has been in contemplation for a number of years, and has implemented a significant reform to the UK's restructuring and insolvency framework. It has also implemented certain temporary measures that are designed to protect and support businesses, protect jobs and, in doing so, attempt to preserve the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
What have we been up to?
The days and nights may well be getting noticeably cooler, but as a team we remain very much at simmer point in terms of the demands of newlyacquired business support and insolvency work and staying on top of recent legislative changes.
Amongst this month's work highlights have been:
Op 26 mei 2020 heeft de Tweede Kamer het wetsvoorstel Wet Homologatie Onderhands Akkoord (WHOA) aangenomen. Als de Eerste Kamer dit voorstel eveneens goedkeurt, is de WHOA een feit en kunnen huurder-schuldenaars die in financiële nood verkeren onder voorwaarden wijzigingen laten aanbrengen in lopende huurovereenkomsten, of deze zelfs geheel doen eindigen. De verwachting is dat de WHOA op 1 januari 2021 in werking zal treden.
The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act received Royal Assent on 25 June 2020. It implements the measures announced by the UK government on 23 April 2020 to safeguard against aggressive rent collection tactics. It follows the ban on forfeiture for non-payment of rent contained in the Coronavirus Act 2020 which came into effect on 25 March 2020. In this article, DLA Piper’s experienced Real Estate and Restructuring lawyers assess the debt collection restrictions contained in both Acts.
Dans l’affaire de la Loi sur les arrangements avec les créanciers des compagnies (la « Lacc ») relative à Groupe Dynamite, le juge Kalichman de la Cour supérieure du Québec prononce un jugement au sujet de l’obligation d’un débiteur de payer un loyer post-dépôt dans un contexte où il ne peut pas utiliser les lieux loués.
Along with tightening social controls, the months ahead will be defined by various critical relationships and the rules that govern them. Of course they all interlock: material change in any of them impacts each of the others. Which causes multiple complexities in decision-making and risk assessment processes, both within a business and when looking at critical suppliers and customers:
Landlords and Tenants: