In relation to a secured party enforcing its rights under a mortgage or charge of shares in a BVI company, the secured party will typically exercise its rights under BVI law to sell the shares or to appoint a receiver in respect of them. Such rights may generally only be exercised after a default has occurred and has continued (without rectification for 14 days following notice of the default) for a period of at least 30 days. These time periods can be shortened by contractual agreement in the relevant security document.
Legal claims can only be brought within the applicable limitation period prescribed by the Limitation Act (1996 Revision). A defendant to any claim that is time-barred has a complete defence. Prior to the recent decision ofRitchie Capital Management LLC et al (Ritchie) v Lancelot Investors Fund Ltd (Lancelot) and General Electric Company (GE), it had been generally understood that the Cayman approach to claims against companies in liquidation would follow the English position on the issue of limitation.
Private wealth structures are not immune from insolvency. Here we examine the Jersey and Guernsey position from the trustee's perspective and consider the issues with which a trustee needs to be familiar.
Test for insolvency
1. Purpose
This client briefing has been prepared in order to assist directors of companies which have listed debt securities on The International Stock Exchange (TISE or theExchange) pursuant to the listing rules (the Listing Rules) of The International Stock Exchange Authority Limited (the Authority). The Listing Rules are available on TISE's website.
Usual Luxembourg security package
Luxembourg is one of the leading domiciles worldwide for international investment portfolio acquisition vehicles.
Acquisition financing are usually secured against the assets and cash flows of the target company as well as of the buyout vehicle.
In practice, given that a Luxembourg holding company generally does not have any operational activities, shares, receivables and cash on bank are the most important assets to cover.
As well as issuing claims in mistake and restitution in the BVI Commercial Court and the US State Supreme Court, the liquidators of Fairfield Sentry Limited (“the Fund”) also petitioned for and, on 22 July 2010 obtained, Chapter 15 recognition in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.
(Judgment 3/2009)
The liquidators of Flightlease (Guernsey) Limited (“FLGL”) applied to the Court for an order that no dividends be paid in the liquidation of FLGL to Flightlease (Ireland) Limited (“FLI”) in respect of guarantees given by
FLGL in respect of FLI’s liabilities. FLI’s liabilities to FLGL were outweighed by the liabilities owed in the opposite direction.