法院最近在 Re FDG Electric Vehicles Limited [2020] HKCFI 2931 一案中裁定,即使在外地进 行的临时清盘获香港法院承认,在香港进行的法律程序也不会自动搁置。
在本案中,五龙电动车(集团)有限公司(「该公司」)在其成立地点百慕达被颁令临时清 盘,其共同及各别临时清盘人(「临时清盘人」)向香港法院申请颁令承认及协助。法院须审 理以下两个争论点:
- 该命令是否应给予临时清盘人权力,以控制该公司直接及间接拥有的所有附属公司?
- 如应搁置在香港现有或预期针对该公司的法律程序,则应如何搁置?
如法院承认外国的公司清盘程序,法院可准许外国清盘人接管该公司在香港的资产,包括(如 适用)在香港成立的公司的股份.
While it had been clear for most of the recent economic downturn that the 24% of Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKSE) listed companies incorporated in Bermuda may have recourse to the court in their place of incorporation to secure an adjournment or stay of an actual or anticipated winding up petition in Hong Kong, it is now equally clear that Cayman incorporated companies (which represent another 50% of the HKSE) will have similar access to restructuring assistance.
After abortive attempts in 2000-2001, 2008-2009, and 2014 to introduce a statutory corporate rescue procedure, the Hong Kong Government has recently announced in a paper submitted to the Legislative Council that it will present the Companies (Corporate Rescue) Bill (the “Bill”) to the Legislative Council in early 2021. Once enacted, the Bill will introduce a corporate rescue procedure and insolvent trading provisions in Hong Kong.
一直以来,香港的公司清盘制度均欠缺法定企业拯救程序,因此,陷入财政困难的公司只能透 过以下途径拯救其业务:(i) 与主要债权人透过非法定途径就重组债务达成共识,或 (ii) 根据香 港法例第 622 章《公司条例》进行债务偿还安排计划。然而,上述两个途径均有很多问题,例 如费用高昂、不切实际、欠缺弹性和繁琐费时。
今年较早时候,香港政府宣布重启企业拯救条例草案,在香港推行(其中包括)法定的企业拯 救程序。《公司(企业拯救)条例草案》(「条例草案」)旨在与国际惯例及标准接轨。下文 将概述最新的立法建议。
根据条例草案,已经或很大机会变为无力偿债的公司,可以发起企业拯救程序,委任一名独立 的第三方专业人士(必须为注册会计师或律师)为临时监管人。临时监管人会在暂止期(亦称 为临时监管期,建议为期 45 个办公日)内担任公司的代理人。在暂止期内,公司将以持续经 营形式继续经营下去,而临时监管人会订定拯救方案(称为「自愿偿债安排」),在临时监管 期结束后的债权人会议上审议。债权人将藉由决议案决定是否批准自愿偿债安排建议;如获批 准,自愿偿债安排将由临时监管人监管实施。
The natural and most appropriate jurisdiction in which to wind up a company is its place of incorporation. The Hong Kong Companies Court, however, routinely deals with winding up petitions against companies which are incorporated outside Hong Kong, but listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (“HKEx”). Given recent economic difficulties, the number of such petitions has been on the rise.
In another groundbreaking decision, the Hong Kong court in Re Ando Credit Ltd [2020] HKCFI 2775, has appointed provisional liquidators over a Hong Kong-incorporated investment manager for the express purpose of allowing the liquidators to seek recognition in the Mainland. The judgment is the latest in a series of judgments facilitating cross-border recognition and enforcement of assets and takes the degree of potential cooperation envisaged to a new level.
Application unopposed
2020 年 11 月 12 日,破产管理署发出 2020 年第 2 号通告,当中载列关于临时清盘人或清盘 人向破产管理署署长提交表格 D1 及 D2 的经修订安排(「通告」)。临时清盘人/清盘人 (统称「清盘人」)如知悉董事有任何不当行为操守,须向破产管理署署长提交法定表格 D1。通告将于 2020 年 12 月 1 日生效。
如无力偿债公司的清盘人认为现任或前任董事的行为操守(不论单独观之或连同其作为任何其 他公司的董事的行为操守观之)使该人不适宜关涉公司的管理,则须填妥香港法例第 32J 章 《公司(董事行为操守报告)规例》附表内的表格 D1,向破产管理署署长报告有关事宜。
破产管理署署长在收到上述报告后,如信纳符合公众利益,可根据香港法例第 32 章《公司 (清盘及杂项条文)条例》第 168I 条向法院申请针对任何现时或曾经出任无力偿债公司董事 的人士发出取消资格令。
清盘人如认为前任或现任董事的行为操守不适宜公司的管理,即可援引报告规定。该规定同样 适用于公司成员自动清盘的情况。
The idea of reforming Hong Kong’s corporate rescue regime was first floated back in 1996. It was introduced in the form of the Companies (Corporate Rescue) Bill 2001 but got nowhere due to differences of opinion. This was returned to the table subsequently in 2003, 2009 and 2014, but nothing ever came to fruition.
The idea of reforming Hong Kong’s corporate rescue regime was first floated back in 1996. It was introduced in the form of the Companies (Corporate Rescue) Bill 2001 but got nowhere due to differences of opinion. This was returned to the table subsequently in 2003, 2009 and 2014, but nothing ever came to fruition.
China Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd (the “Company”) is a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands and listed on the Hong Kong exchange. Almost 100% of the group’s revenue is generated by its Mainland subsidiaries, from the manufacture and sale of fruit and vegetable concentrate, purée and juice beverages in the Mainland.