In a pair of significant judgments issued on the same day, Re China Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd. [2020] HKCFI 2940 and FDG Electric Vehicles Ltd. [2020] HKCFI 2931, the Honorable Mr. Justice Harris has once again issued highly relevant and timely guidance on key cross-border insolvency issues.
Die enormen wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der weltweiten COVID-19-Pandemie haben die deutsche Wirtschaft in vielen Bereichen massiv getroffen. Für viele Branchen hat sich das Geschäftsklima erheblich verschlechtert. Geschäfte bleiben geschlossen, Lieferketten brechen ab, Reisen sind nur sehr eingeschränkt möglich, Umsätze sind deutlich zurückgegangen und Unternehmen müssen Kurzarbeit oder Zwangsurlaubeinführen, um laufende Kosten zu senken.
The government has finally come up with proposals to reform pre-pack administrations, requiring independent scrutiny of sales to connected parties, as Mathew Ditchburn explains.
Doing business in the United States
Hogan Lovells
Doing business in the United States 2021
I.Openness of U.S. markets to foreign investment
II.Direct or indirect market entry and choice of entity
III. Commercial contracting
IV.Labor and employment law considerations
V.Immigration laws
VI.Intellectual property laws
VII. Export control and economic sanction laws
VIII. U.S. antitrust laws
Our note provides a high-level guide to securitisation transactions under English law. Written in partnership with Chambers and Partners, it forms the UK-focused section of the Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide: Securitisation 2020.
This general guide discusses a broad range of topics to provide a helpful overview to those that are looking at a first time securitisation. It also provides guidance on a number of more detailed points to assist with those more experienced in securitisations, including recently regulatory development.
Recent regulatory developments of interest to all financial institutions. Includes key COVID-19 updates from the UK FCA, AML/CTF updates and more.
COVID-19: FCA statement on handling of post and paper documents
On 13 May 2020, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a statement on how firms should handle post and paper documents during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The coronavirus pandemic is sending shock waves through the business world. If a GmbH (German limited liability company) finds itself in financial distress, the management in particular will be under pressure and must fight for the survival of the business. At the same time, there are various scenarios in which managing directors could be held liable for not implementing crisis prevention measures or exercising the necessary diligence during the crisis.
Liability for inadequate crisis prevention
Hogan Lovells Publications | 06 May 2020
Five things retailers should consider in the COVID-19 era
Die weltweite Ausbreitung des Coronavirus sorgt für heftige Turbulenzen im Wirtschaftsleben. Gerät eine GmbH in finanzielle Schieflage, steht besonders die Geschäftsführung unter Druck. Sie kämpft um das wirtschaftliche Überleben der Gesellschaft. Gleichzeitig kommen verschiedene Szenarien für die Haftung des Geschäftsführers in Betracht, wenn dieser keine Krisenprävention durchgeführt hat oder in der Krise nicht die erforderliche Sorgfalt anwendet.
Haftung wegen unzureichender Krisenprävention
In light of the coronavirus pandemic, the Russian Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" (the "Bankruptcy Law") has been amended to allow the Russian Government to introduce a moratorium on filing of insolvency claims.