In a pair of significant judgments issued on the same day, Re China Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd. [2020] HKCFI 2940 and FDG Electric Vehicles Ltd. [2020] HKCFI 2931, the Honorable Mr. Justice Harris has once again issued highly relevant and timely guidance on key cross-border insolvency issues.
Teilweise Erleichterung für Geschäftsleiter – Haftungsgefahren für Zahlungen bei Insolvenzreife gegenüber der aktuellen BGH-Rechtsprechung vermindert
Die anstehende Marktkonsolidierung birgt fusionskontrollrechtliche Herausforderungen
Die COVID-19-Pandemie ist schon lange nicht mehr nur eine Gesundheitskrise, sondern hat sich zu einer globalen Wirtschaftskrise entwickelt, die viele Unternehmen in massive wirtschaftliche Schwierigkeiten bringt. Erwartet wird eine Konsolidierung, bei der finanziell angeschlagene oder insolvente Unternehmen übernommen werden. Auch der Präsident des Bundeskartellamtes, Andreas Mundt, hält eine Übernahmewelle in Folge der Corona-Krise für ein mögliches Szenario.
On 23 April 2020 the UK Government announced that they will be introducing a temporary ban on the use of statutory demands and winding up petitions where the inability to pay has arisen because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Does the owner bear the risk in case of bankruptcy?
Due to the tense situation in the hotel industry, various lessees are currently approaching their lessors asking for deferral or abatement of rent payments for the period ahead. There are many suggestions for possible compromises - but the insolvency law situation must always be taken into account in order not to create any risks for tenants or lessors. The comments in this article apply equally to hotel usufructuary leases.
Currently discussed compromises
The Pension Schemes Bill [HL] 2019-20 (Bill) was re-introduced before Parliament on 7 January 2020. Among its proposed amendments to the Pensions Act 2004 (Act) are new criminal offences for failing to comply with a contribution notice, avoiding employer debt, conduct risking accrued scheme benefits, an expansion of the moral hazard powers and an extension of the ‘notifiable events’ framework. The Government’s stated intention is to “ensure that those who put pension schemes in jeopardy feel the full force of the law“.
美国是世界上最容易开展业务的司法管辖区之一1。监管壁垒总体较低,建立分支机构或业务实体方 便快捷,相比其他多数发达经济体,劳动就业法律对雇主更为友好,并且法律体系发达、透明。然 而,在美国进行投资或设立业务之前,仍有若干准入壁垒及营商挑战需要考虑。 本刊将简要介绍可能限制非美国人进入美国市场或在美国设立业务后开展业务能力的贸易管制问题, 以及对外国投资者而言极其重要的公司、商事、劳动就业、移民、知识产权、反洗钱、反垄断、出 口管制、反腐败、责任、破产等法律及实践。本刊并非综合性指南,仅对投资者需要考虑及与法律 顾问商讨的一些重要问题加以概述。
EBITDA first rose to prominence in the US leveraged buy-out craze of the 1980s and has since formed the key metric of leveraged finance transactions across the world. In this article, we focus on its evolution in the European loans market, and explore how financial covenant and certain other protections in loan documentation have been eroded in recent years as a result of those changes.
This article first appeared in the November edition of Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law.
It’s an open secret that the commendable goals envisaged by the legislature with the introduction of the business rescue proceedings in Chapter 6 of our Companies Act are being hampered as a result of poorly drafted statutory provisions that govern the business rescue process. Section 141(2)(a)(ii) is however not one of these vague provisions.
On 24 October 2017 the Court of Appeal handed down its decision in what has become known as the Waterfall IIA and B litigation (Burlington Loan Management Limited and others v Lomas and others [2017] EWCA Civ 1462). The decision also covered an appeal of one point from the High Court Waterfall IIC decision.