The High Court of England and Wales has recently provided welcome clarification around the nature of events of default under derivatives contracts governed by the ISDA Master Agreement, in particular in relation to whether an insolvency related event of default can be cured and so cease to be continuing. This brings to an end a long running debate around the extent to which, and for how long, a party can continue to rely on the condition precedent to payment contained in the ISDA framework documentation where the other party is subject to such an event of default.
The Hong Kong Court of Appeal has confirmed that the court should respect the effect of an exclusive jurisdiction clause in bankruptcy proceedings, just as it does in ordinary civil actions. To do otherwise, it said, it would be illogical.
Die fundamentalen Spannungen, die der Ukraine-Krieg in den Energiemärkten verursacht, hinterlassen bereits jetzt tiefe Spuren bei Industrie und Privathaushalten. Vor allem bei besonders energieintensiven Industrien und Betrieben zeichnen sich bereits erste Produktionsdrosselungen, Produktionsstopps und sogar Insolvenzen ab. So haben jüngst Hersteller von energieintensiven Produkten wie Dünger, Kohlensäure und AdBlue die Produktion gedrosselt oder gleich ganz eingestellt. Mit Görtz und Hakle mussten zudem bereits zwei Unternehmen wegen steigender Energiekosten Insolvenz anmelden.
Since 1 October 2022, the Singapore International Commercial Court now has jurisdiction to hear cross-border restructuring and insolvency matters. In addition, foreign lawyers may be appointed to make submissions in restructuring and insolvency proceedings in the SICC. Lawyers may even enter into conditional fee agreements with their clients for selected proceedings provided that certain safeguards are met.
The Supreme Court’s decision in BTI v Sequana & Others represents the most significant ruling on the duties of directors of distressed companies of the past 30 years.
This Supreme Court decision considers the balancing exercise which directors are required to carry out between the respective interests of creditors and shareholders when a company is in financial distress.
This note summarises the key points from the ruling and the practical effect of this decision.
How do you improve the image of company voluntary arrangements? Start by reforming the voting rules.
The U.S. is one of the easiest jurisdictions in the world in which to do business. Regulatory barriers are generally low, establishing a branch or business entity is quick and easy, labor and employment laws are much more employer-friendly than in most other developed economies, and the legal system is well-developed and transparent. However, there are certain barriers to entry and challenges to doing business that should be taken into account before investing or establishing operations in the U.S.
Nostrum Oil & Gas PLC’s scheme of arrangement under Part 26 of the Companies Act 2006 (the “Scheme”) was sanctioned on 26 August 2022, with the “scheme effective date” occurring on 31 August 2022.
Directors who oppose company windings up with little more than a hope that a restructuring proposal may bear fruit may have to weigh their actions carefully going forward, following a recent decision by the Hong Kong Companies Court.
In Stream TV Networks, Inc. v. SeeCubic, Inc., the Delaware Supreme Court reversed the Delaware Court of Chancery’s finding that the board of Stream TV Networks, Inc. (Stream) could sell all of Stream’s assets without a stockholder vote due to Stream’s insolvency. The Delaware Supreme Court found that the sale agreement – in essence, a privately structured foreclosure transaction – constituted an “asset transfer” under Stream’s charter, triggering a class vote provision that required the approval of Stream’s Class B stockholders.