The Supreme Court confirmed the lower-court judgments that had rescinded the payments made to the managing director through remuneration, as the bylaw requisite to create the right to receive it had not been met, as well as payments made to shareholders through dividends, differentiating between the resolution of the meeting to distribute dividends and the payment of these dividends.
“Give ups” by senior classes of creditors to achieve confirmation of a plan have become an increasingly common feature of the chapter 11 process, as stakeholders strive to avoid disputes that can prolong the bankruptcy case and drain estate assets by driving up administrative costs.
The draft Legislative Reform (Insolvency) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Order 2009 has now been published detailing the proposed changes to the Insolvency Act 1986. The aim of the changes is to reduce costs and the administrative burden on users of the legislation and subsequently benefi t the creditors of insolvent companies and individuals through more fl exible procedures and increased dividends.
In a judgment useful to insolvency practitioners, a court has recently confirmed that liquidators are not personally liable for payment of dividends. In Lomax Leisure v Miller and Bramston [2007] EWHC 2508 (Ch) Miller and Bramston faced personal claims on dividend cheques they had cancelled, after receiving a pending application from a creditor whose claim they had rejected. Miller and Bramstom were later replaced by a new liquidator who brought claims in the name of the company and various creditors.
A recent High Court case involving unlawful loans to directors illustrates the potential pitfalls involved in calculating limitation periods, and the circumstances in which the usual six year statutory limitation period will not apply to a recovery claim against a fiduciary.
Broadside Colours and Chemicals Ltd was a family firm supplying dyes to the textile trade. The directors were Geoffrey Button, his wife Catherine Button, and their son James Button. Only the father and son were shareholders.
1. 最实在的权利 清算优先权,或优先清算权(Liquidation Preference),是指“清算事件”发生时,投资人在清算财产分配过程中享有优先顺位的权利。通常,越晚进来的投资人清算优先的顺位越高,但在老投资人强势时也可能会约定新老投资人之间平等顺位,按投资金额比例甚至股权比例分优先金额。相比实际上基本用不上的分红优先权,清算优先权是更实用、也更可能给投资人创造实际价值的经济权利。
2. 好坏通吃 清算优先权可以在公司情况不佳(downside)时让投资人优先拿回一点补偿,也可以在公司获得好的收购机会(upside)时使得投资人获利更多。
3. 只是清算? 如果“清算事件”仅包括法律意义上的清算(例如公司解散或破产时的清算),那实际用途不大,关键是它还包括“视同清算事件”。“视同清算事件”的情形通常包括导致控制权变更的合并、收购,以及出售、租赁、转让、以排他性许可或其他方式处置公司全部或大部分资产的事件。考虑到解散或破产清算时公司多半已经没有太多资产可分,发生并购事件才是清算优先权最大的用武之地。
The British Virgin Islands Commercial Court has recently delivered a decision in Western Union International Limited v Reserve International Liquidity Fund Ltd which addresses the issue of when during the redemption process a redeeming investor becomes a creditor of the fund and is therefore entitled to apply for the appointment of a liquidator.
The British Virgin Island’s Commercial Court has recently delivered a decision in Western Union International Limited v Reserve International Liquidity Fund Ltd which addresses the issue of when during the redemption process a redeeming investor becomes a creditor of the fund and is therefore entitled to apply for the appointment of a liquidator.
In the current economic environment, there are a number of entities that are being restructured. Our current experience has been that such restructurings fall into two areas, namely a debt for equity swap or a release of “toxic” assets from a group structure in order to minimise exposure to this asset class.
Debt for Equity Swap
(Judgment 3/2009)
The liquidators of Flightlease (Guernsey) Limited (“FLGL”) applied to the Court for an order that no dividends be paid in the liquidation of FLGL to Flightlease (Ireland) Limited (“FLI”) in respect of guarantees given by
FLGL in respect of FLI’s liabilities. FLI’s liabilities to FLGL were outweighed by the liabilities owed in the opposite direction.