Royal Decree Law 4/2014, intended to promote efficiency in Spanish insolvency proceedings, is officially enacted with some important updates.
The Spanish legislature has finally enacted Royal Decree Law 4/2014 (the March Reform). Now known as Law 17/2014, of 30 September (the Act), the new law implements urgent measures regarding refinancing and restructuring of corporate debt. In addition to formally enacting the March Reform, the Spanish legislature included a few updates that are worth highlighting.
Pre-Insolvency Communication
Rescission of an extension to a mortgage granted by the insolvent company securing a preexisting debt of a company of its group
1.- Antecedentes
On March 7, 2014 the Spanish Government approved the Royal Decree Law 4/2014 adopting urgent measures on debt refinancing and restructuring ("Real Decreto-ley 4/2014, de 7 de marzo, por el que se adoptan medidas urgentes en material de refinanciación y reestructuración de deuda empresarial" or "RDL 4/2014").
El Real Decreto-ley 4/2014, de 7 de marzo, por el que se adoptan medidas urgentes en materia de refinanciación y reestructuración de deuda empresarial, ha modificado el régimen de la Ley Concursal en lo relativo a los acuerdos de refinanciación.
Si bien podría decirse que la práctica totalidad de la reforma se refiere de una u otra forma a ellos, el núcleo de la regulación, el que define los requisitos que han de cumplir este tipo de acuerdos para quedar protegidos frente a las acciones de reintegración concursales, ha quedado localizado en el artículo 71 bis.
The Spanish Council of Ministers passed on 7 March 2014 the Royal Decree-Law 4/2014, on urgent matters in relation to refinancing agreements and debt restructuring (the "RDL 4/2014"). The RDL 4/2014 has been published on 8 March 2014 in the Spanish Official Gazette and it entered into force on the day immediately following its publication.
Act 22/2003, of July 9 ("Spain's Insolvency Act"), has been recently amended to include a new chapter regulating the so-called "insolvency mediators" and the extrajudicial settlement of payments ("ESP") as a form of negotiating the debts of the entrepreneurs.
The reform has been introduced by Act 14/2013, of September 27, on entrepreneurs and their internationalization (hereinafter, the "
On March 7, the Spanish government reformed its bankruptcy law to encourage companies to restructure their debt and avoid liquidation. The decree is one part of an ongoing reform program intended to strengthen and stabilize the Spanish financial sector. The reforms provide stronger incentives for lenders to accept write-offs, maturity extensions, and debt forgiveness for struggling companies. The new rules also reduce the majority of creditors needed to vote for a restructuring.
En los acuerdos de refinanciación homologados 1. Según el apartado 2 de la DA 4ª, a los efectos de la presente disposición se entenderá por “valor de la garantía real” de que goce cada acreedor el resultante de deducir, de los nueve décimos del valor razonable del bien sobre el que esté constituida dicha garantía, las deudas pendientes que gocen de garantía preferente sobre el mismo bien, sin que en ningún caso el valor de la garantía pueda ser inferior a cero ni superior al valor del crédito del acreedor correspondiente. Alcance 2.
Aim of the Reform
On March 8, 2014, Spain enacted urgent measures to govern refinancing and restructuring of corporate debt ("RDl 4/2014"), modifying several provisions of the Spanish Insolvency Act (the "Act"). The objective of the reform is to improve the legal framework that governs refinancing agreements to remove obstacles that have previously impeded the successful execution of restructuring and refinancing transactions.
Principal Amendments