Basel and other regulators seem to regard credit risk as being under control and have identified reputational and IT risks – risk you cannot close off with prudential capital charges – as the sources of the next crisis. Another one being talked about is potential illiquidity for funds, which are buying more illiquid assets in the hunt for yield.
INSOL Europe attended the 52nd session of Working Group V (Insolvency law) held in Vienna from 18 to 22 December 2018 in its capacity as an invited international non-governmental organisation (NGO) with observer status. Other observers included, inter alia, World Bank, European Investment Bank, European Banking Federation, the American Bar Association, the International Bar Association, INSOL International, International Insolvency Institute, European Law Institute.
The INSOL International Channel Islands Seminar took place on 13 September 2017 in Guernsey, where tensions rose high as jurisdictions battled it out for the crown of the "go-to" jurisdiction for cross border restructurings.
The recast EIR continues to apply to all European member states other than Denmark and has been extended in scope to new categories of proceedings, including rehabilitation proceedings, which are set out in annex A. The emphasis remains on collective proceedings and, consequently, the UK’s receivership and administrative receivership regimes remain outside the scope of the recast regulation.
Cross-border insolvency of multinational groups
WGV aims to agree a set of key principles and draft text for a regime to address crossborder insolvency in the context of enterprise groups (defined widely to mean any entity, regardless of its legal form, that is engaged in economic activities and may be governed by insolvency law). This has started to take a form most suited to a stand-alone supplement to the Model Law. The Group’s secretariat produced a draft legislative text, incorporating three principles agreed by WGV. The three principles are:
European Union
European Union
The British Retail Consortium (BRC) recently reported strong trading for the UK high street in the weeks leading up to Christmas 2016. In a fillip for a sector beset by problems, the slow start to the Christmas trading period was reversed as spending in the sector in December grew 1.7% on the same period last year.
Az ENEFI és a román adóhatóság közötti jogvitában az eljáró bíróság előzetes döntéshozatali kérelemmel fordult az Európai Unió Bíróságához, melyben az uniós jog értelmezését kérte a magyarországi fizetésképtelenségi eljárás romániai joghatásával kapcsolatban. Korábbi blogbejegyzésünkben beszámoltunk az ENEFI és a romániai adóhatóság közötti jogvitában 2016.
Az Európai Unió Bírósága közzétett végzésében megerősítette a korábbi gyakorlatát a székhelyét más államba áthelyező társaság fizetésképtelensége esetén irányadó joghatósági szabályokkal kapcsolatban. Bejegyzésünkben röviden áttekintjük az irányadó esetjogot, és azt, hogy ebben milyen változást fog hozni a 2017-től alkalmazandó új uniós jogszabály.