The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) and institutional bodies have published the following guidance in relation to corporate governance and directors' remuneration in the last few months.
Part 1 of a two-part analysis of the recommendations of the NSW Construction Industry Insolvency Inquiry.
Part 2 of a two-part analysis of the recommendations of the NSW Construction Industry Insolvency Inquiry. Part 1 considered the proposed NSW Building and Construction Commission.
The Inquiry aims to safeguard the interests of sub-contractors and was initiated by the NSW Government following a year marred by high levels of insolvency in the NSW construction industry.
The period for submissions on wide-ranging reforms to the NSW construction industry recommended by the Independent Inquiry into Construction Industry Insolvency in NSW is closing soon.
In August 2012 the NSW Government commissioned an Independent Inquiry into Construction Industry Insolvency. The Inquiry was asked to assess the causes and extent of insolvency in the building and construction industry and to recommend measures to better protect subcontractors from the effects of insolvency.
The final report of the independent inquiry into insolvency in the NSW construction industry was released on Tuesday for public comment.
The report is lengthy and addresses a wide variety of potential causes of contractor insolvency. It makes 44 recommendations, including reforms of the NSW construction industry to reduce both the incidence of contractor insolvency and its impact on other participants in the industry.
The recent collapses of major builders St Hilliers, Kell & Rigby and Reed Constructions have caused such concern that the New South Wales Government has launched a public enquiry into the issue.
Given the tough economic conditions, it is timely to review your corporate obligations and the risks involved in managing debts, consider how to protect your business if a contractor or principal encounters financial difficulty, and what you can do to minimise damage to your business.
In Budimex SA (C224/18), the CJEU was asked by a Polish Court to determine the time of supply in relation to a construction contract where no invoice was issued in accordance with articles 63 and 66 of the Principal VAT Directive (PVD), which provide that the chargeable event for VAT purposes is when the services are supplied.
Cash flow is the life blood of the construction industry, goes the mantra. Construction projects often have long supply chains. When cash stops flowing down the chain, businesses can fail. There is all too much recent evidence of this.
Someone in the chain (say, a main contractor) could seek to provide in a contract that it does not have to pay the party below (subcontractor) until it has been paid by the party above (employer). This is a 'pay-when-paid' clause.
At the beginning of a new year it is customary to consider what the year ahead may bring. 2019 promises to be eventful not least with the UK's (planned) exit from the EU on 29 March 2019. Here's what to look out for in the next 12 months…