Where a company purported to enter into a loan and security transaction with a bank where the transaction displayed clear issues of conflict of interest issues in relation to the company's CEO, held that the bank could not assert that the CEO had apparent authority to enter into the transaction.
The Board constituted under the chairmanship of Mr MS Sahoo has recently rejected an application for registration as an insolvency professional (IP) under regulation 7 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Professionals) Regulations, 2016 (IP Regulations) through its first regulatory order.
Factual Matrix
An application by Quinn family members to have court-appointed receivers removed and their solicitors discharged on the basis of an alleged conflict of interest and partiality has been dismissed by the Commercial Court.
According to decision no. 17441, of 31 August 2016, of the First Division of the Supreme Civil Court, the liability of directors without management power cannot originate from a general failure to supervise – that would be identified in the facts as a strict liability – but must be attributed to the breach of the duty to act in an informed way, on the basis of both information to be released by executive directors and information that non-executive directors can gather on their own initiative.
The Mexican insolvency and bankruptcy law (“Ley de Concursos Mercantiles” or “LCM“) that came into effect on May 12, 2000, abrogated the Mexican Bankruptcy and Suspension of Payments Law. One of the stated purposes of the LCM was to mitigate the impact that globalization and the free market had on Mexican corporations, especially after ratification of the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994. The LCM, therefore, seeks to preserve businesses facing a general default on the payment of their obligations and thereby preserve jobs in Mexico.
In zijn conclusie van 7 november 2018 formuleert raadsheer advocaat-generaal Widdershoven vijf vuistregels die richtinggevend zouden moeten zijn bij het leerstuk van ‘afgeleid belang’ in het kader van het belanghebbendebegrip in de Algemene wet bestuursrecht (art. 1:2 lid 1 Awb).
Belanghebbendebegrip en afgeleid belang
In our October 2010 edition of Middle East Exchange, we looked at the general duties which directors and managers of UAE companies owe to their companies and their shareholders. In this edition, we consider the position where the company's financial position deteriorates. As directors or managers struggle with the inevitable commercial and operational pressures, what additional legal responsibilities and potential liabilities does UAE law place upon them?
A pre-packaged business sale (or “pre-pack”) is an arrangement under which the sale of a company’s business or assets is agreed in principle with a buyer prior to the appointment of an insolvency practitioner (most commonly an administrator), who then executes the sale shortly after his or her appointment.
The Pensions Regulator (the Regulator) recently used its powers under the Pensions Act 1995 to appoint an independent trustee to the exclusion of all other trustees of the scheme. The employer was required to pay the fees and expenses relating to the appointment.
The Regulator decided to use its powers because: