The Small Company Administrative Rescue Process (SCARP) was first introduced on 7 December 2021, to provide a quicker and more affordable formal restructuring process to businesses in Ireland. SCARP allows businesses to restructure their debts by agreeing to a rescue plan with their creditors.
Having caught your eye with the catchy heading, don’t stop reading if you are involved in the management or directorship of any business in the Pacific.
This writer recently encountered a case: a company (hereinafter referred to as “Company A”) with a large amount of registered capital, felling such large, registered capital was unnecessary, reduced it. In the process of reduction, the capital reduction information was only announced in local newspaper but not notified to every single creditor. One shareholder of Company A is a limited partnership (hereinafter referred to as “Partnership B”).
The recent case of Re UKCloud Ltd (in liquidation) [2024] EWHC 1259 (Ch) (24 May 2024) looked at whether a charge over Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses was a fixed or floating charge. Notwithstanding that the charging document purported to create a fixed charge over such asset, the High Court concluded that it was a floating charge primarily because the control provisions in the charging document were not complied with or enforced in practice.
1. はじめに
マレーシアでは、Companies (Amendment) Act 2024(以下「本改正法」といいます。)が、一部の条項を除き 2024 年 4 月 1 日に施行されています。本改正法は、マレーシア会社法(Companies Act 2016)に規定されているリストラクチャリング・企業再建手続の強化に焦点が当てられており、スキームオブアレンジメント (Scheme of Arrangement)、更生管財手続(Judicial Management)及び会社任意整理(Corporate Voluntary Arrangement)において手続の明確化や新制度が導入されています 。今回の改正は、シンガポールにおける 2017 年・2020 年の倒産法改正や、2020 年に行われた英国倒産法改正を参考にした部分も多く 、また債務者フレンドリーな改正が多いという点では、近年の国際的な倒産法制改正の潮流にも沿うものとなります。本稿では、マレーシア法改正による企業再建手続の変更点のうち実務的に重要なポイントについてご紹介します。
2. 保全命令制度の改正
我们在前面的文章中介绍了航运企业跨境破产时与船舶扣押相关的法律问题(参见:视点 | 航运企业跨境破产与船舶扣押的冲突与协调——海事海商X破产系列文章(四),实际上司法实务中,国内法院在处理破产航运企业船舶扣押和拍卖时存在的争议同样不少,破产法律和海商事法律在对船舶的保全和执行问题上产生了交叉和冲突,给司法实践带来诸多困境。本文将结合我们承办的有关案例、其他典型案例和实务界的研究成果,对国内法院破产程序中的船舶扣押和拍卖问题进行讨论。
The Employment (Collective Redundancies and Miscellaneous Provisions) and Companies (Amendment) Act 2024 (Act) has been signed into law but awaits a commencement order to bring it into operation.
In summary, the Act amends the Companies Act 2014 (Companies Act) by modifying the attribution test for related companies to contribute to the debts of the company being wound up, broadening the operative time for unfair preferences, and varying the test for reckless trading.
1. Related company contribution
Switzerland has a reputation for high-quality banking – holding significant foreign assets and offering a fairly pro-enforcement regime. However, gaps between the different legal cultures means recovering Swiss assets to satisfy foreign judgments from common law jurisdictions may be difficult . Here, we investigate possible solutions.
Supreme Court Case 5A_999/2022 dated 20 February 2024
In the dynamic and rapidly evolving global marketplace, particularly in fast-growing economies like India, there are ever-growing commercial transactions amongst entities within India as also in international transactions amongst entities within India and outside of India.
There's been a flurry of regulatory activity in the UK and Europe over the past few weeks. Here's a look at the highlights.