In brief - Court sets aside DOCA in Helenic v Retail Adventures
The NSW Supreme Court has recently set aside a deed of company arrangement (DOCA) on the basis that it was prejudicial to creditors who voted against it. The court appointed liquidators to the company.
Declaration of interest: CBP Lawyers acted for the plaintiffs in the case discussed in this article and also represent a large number of unsecured creditors of Retail Adventures Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed).
The recent Federal Court decision of ASIC & Franklin & Ors [2014] FCA 68 represents, respectfully, a noteworthy exercise by the Court in applying the law in a commercial common sense manner.
Justice Davies was asked to consider ASIC’s application for disqualification of the Liquidators of Walton Construction Pty Ltd (in liq) and Walton Construction (Qld) Pty Ltd (in liq) (the Companies). The Liquidators were appointed the Administrators of the company having been referred to the directors of the Companies by Mawson Group.
In Willmott Growers Group Inc v Willmott Forests Limited (Receivers and Managers Appointed) (In Liquidation) [2013] HCA 51, the High Court has confirmed that a liquidator of a landlord company has the power to disclaim a lease. The effect of the disclaimer is to terminate the leasehold interest of the lessee.
In this eBulletin we discuss a recent Supreme Court of NSW decision: In the matter ofGreat Wall Resources Pty Limited (In Liq) [2013] NSWSC 354. This decision provides useful insight into the scope of unreasonable director-related transactions.
“A failure to respond to a statutory demand can have very serious consequences for a company. In particular, it may result in the company being placed in liquidation and control of the company passing to the liquidator of the company.”
What would you do if you saw the notice above in a box prominently displayed at the top of a document addressed to your company claiming that money is due and owing and specifying that you take urgent action within 21 days?
General corporate
ASIC reports on corporate insolvencies 2012–2013
The Product People Pty Ltd (TPP) was the manufacturer of various products. The Product People (International) Pty Ltd (TPPI) was a separate company that was licensed to market and sell those products throughout Australia and New Zealand. Box Seat Company Pty Ltd (Box Seat) generated business and managed clients in relation to those products for that region.
The Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report and Directors' Report) Regulations 2013 (Regulations) to amend the structure of UK annual reports have been published and laid before Parliament.
The recent Australian Federal Court case of Neeat Holdings (in liq) [2013] FCA 61 considered the issue of whether the liquidator of a trustee company should be permitted to sell trust assets notwithstanding the appointment of a new trustee in substitution for the insolvent trustee company.
There is a plethora of Australian legislation which sheets home personal liability to directors and officers.
Below are some reminders of traps for directors and officers for transactions that might be undertaken in the usual course of a director or officer’s normal arrangements.
Trap 1: Super re-contribution
Some advisors propose, as a strategy for limiting superannuation death benefits tax, withdrawing superannuation balances and re-contributing that amount into super as a non-concessional tax-free contribution.