Se examina, en concreto, el supuesto de que se acuerde el régimen de suspensión de facultades y la administración concursal decide no hacer operativa en la primera instancia la sustitución prevista en la ley.
1. Los hechos analizados por la STS 570/2018, de 15 de octubre (RJ 2018/4613) y el problema planteado
Los hechos relevantes son los siguientes:
Análisis GA&P | Julio 2015 1 N. de la C.: En las citas literales se ha rectificado en lo posible —sin afectar al sentido— la grafía de ciertos elementos (acentos, mayúsculas, símbolos, abreviaturas, cursivas...) para adecuarlos a las normas tipográficas utilizadas en el resto del texto. 1. La empresa (los grupos) y su posible viabilidad económica como referencia regulatoria 1.1.
Yes it can, according to the most recent judgments of the Spanish high courts. The question was addressed in several Judgments issued by the High Court (HC) of Castilla-La Mancha (amongst others, the Judgment issued on 11 February 2013, in Appeal no. 320/2012, and the Judgment issued on 12 February 2013 on Appeal no. 321/2012) and by the High Court (HC) of Madrid in its Judgment no. 41/2012 of 21 January.
Se comenta y se refuta una reciente sentencia del Tribunal Supremo que exige que estos créditos por intereses estén en el concurso especialmente comunicados, y que de otra forma no podrían ser pagados con el producto de ejecución.
1. Los hechos
En su Sentencia de 1 de marzo de 2019 [RJ 2019/622] el Tribunal Supremo ha venido a interpretar la excepción a la subordinación de los créditos de las personas especialmente relacionadas con el concursado que se contiene en el artículo 92.5º de la Ley Concursal (LC).
Cuestión no resuelta —y generadora de dispares opiniones—, se afronta en esta nota cómo han de ser, o no, reconocidos en el quorum y en el voto de la disposición adicional cuarta de la Ley Concursal los acreedores condicionales y los litigiosos.
Before the new bankruptcy law (Royal Decree 53/2019) (the “Bankruptcy Law”) came into effect in Oman, the laws and regulations regulating bankruptcies were limited and simply addressed in laws such as the commercial law (Royal Decree 55/1990 (as amended)) (the “Commercial Law”) and the commercial companies law (Royal Decree 18/2019) (the “Commercial Companies Law”). These laws provided the framework for the bankruptcy of a person and the liquidation of insolvent companies only.
The English courts are known for being pro-arbitration. In the recent case of Riverrock Securities Limited v International Bank of St Petersburg (Joint Stock Company) [2020] EWHC 2483 (Comm) the English High Court has granted an anti-suit injunction in relation to claims being made in foreign bankruptcy proceedings, where the underlying agreements included arbitration provisions with a London seat.
The parties
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Slovak government and Parliament have approved another measure to help entrepreneurs overcome the negative impacts of this crisis on their businesses. The bankruptcy moratorium is an opt-in model and entrepreneurs are entitled to apply for such temporary bankruptcy protection subject to certain conditions. However, before applying various legal and business consequences should be assessed.
Who can apply?
November 2017 saw the first successful pre-packaged bankruptcy of a wind farm operator following the introduction of this procedure to Polish bankruptcy law in January 2016. Thanks to a decision made by the bankruptcy court in Warsaw, the assets of the 6 MW wind farm in Korzęcin can now be taken over by a publicly listed company operating in the renewable energy sector.