近年来,很多投资者有意投资缅甸。2011 年以来,缅甸采取了政治自由化政策,西方国家 因而取消了对缅甸的大多数制裁,缅甸也于 2012 年颁布了《外商投资法》,使得来自中国及 其他国家的投资获得强劲增长。外国投资者通常投资于大规模自然资源项目(如石油、天然 气和铜矿等)、基础设施项目(如电信和水电等)和水泥、旅馆、制造业及消费品等其他产 业。
为了达到进入当地市场的目的,投资者通常会考虑与当地企业建立合作关系或收购当地现存 企业。这就需要对潜在合作伙伴或目标企业进行初步的尽职调查,发现其是否存在问题,是 否存在投资谈判中必须解决的风险等。
最基本的尽职调查一般要对目标公司或合作伙伴以往和未决的诉讼、债权人是否处于破产程 序、土地登记和重要资产的是否存在担保物权等情况进行调查 —— 但在缅甸,这些调查都 不能轻易而又可靠地实现。主要原因是缅甸官僚化的行政机关和法院通常可靠性不高,也不 够正规,其档案记录等工作也是如此,这些都妨碍了最基本的尽职调查。
Personal bankruptcy has been introduced for the first time in Montenegro. The Personal Bankruptcy Act came into force on 22 August 2015.
Recently, the Dutch Supreme Court rendered a judgment in which it has given a detailed explanation of the effects of bankruptcy proceedings on a contract or other legal relationship.[1] The case in question involved a dispute between a bankruptcy trustee and a bank as to whether the bank could file its post-bankruptcy l
ECT held Hanjin containers hostage
Bogra is a company that is active within the funeral industry. As a result of serious financial problems, an administrator (bewindvoerder) was appointed on 28 June 2017. On the same date Bogra was declared bankrupt (30 June 2017), the employment agreements of Bogra’s employees were terminated. Funico acquired (part of) Bogra’s assets on 18 July 2017 due to an asset transaction. Effective 19 July 2017, Bogra’s activities were continued by Bogra Uitvaartkisten.
On 24 November 2017, the Dutch Supreme Court ruled that in the event a suspension of payments is converted into a bankruptcy, interest that accrues after the suspension of payments was granted, but before the debtor was declared bankrupt, can be presented to the bankruptcy trustee for verification (HR 24 November 2017, ECLI:NL:HR:2017:2991).
In a judgment of 24 March 2017 (in Dutch), the Supreme Court of the Netherlands upheld the longstanding requirement that for a debtor to be declared bankrupt, there need to be at least two creditors.
On 26 May 2016, the Enterprise Division of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal (OK) ruled that the liquidator in the bankruptcy of the DA Retailgroep drugstore chain (DA) was not required to consult with the works council concerning the relaunch of the business following its bankruptcy. But on Friday, 2 June 2017, the Supreme Court gave short shrift to this judgement.
What was involved?
Corporate Structures Newsletter - June 2016 Baker & McKenzie Amsterdam For more information please contact: Ilona de Schipper Associate +31 20 551 7806 Director Disqualification Act enters into force on July 1, 2016 On July 1, 2016, the Director Disqualification Act (in Dutch: Wet civielrechtelijk bestuursverbod) will enter into force. The purpose of this act is to combat bankruptcy fraud and prevent managing directors from continuing mala fide activities through existing or new legal entities. Similar legislation is already in place in at least 11 other European Union member states.