On Friday, the Minnesota Department of Commerce closed 1st American State Bank of Minnesota, headquartered in Hancock, Minnesota, and the FDIC was named receiver.
Citing public opposition to the bill, on Tuesday the president of Iceland vetoed legislation that would provide a state guarantee for repayment of approximately $5 billion of loans provided by the U.K.
Yesterday, the Minnesota Department of Commerce closed Prosperan Bank, headquartered in Oakdale, Minnesota, and the FDIC was named as receiver.
Today, the Georgia Department of Banking and Finance closed the Georgian Bank, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, and the FDIC was named as receiver.
Today, the FDIC announced the next steps in further developing the government's Legacy Loan Program (LLP), by testing the LLP program's funding mechanism through the sale of a portfolio of residential mortgage loan receivership assets to a limited liability company (LLC) in exchange for an ownership interest in the LLC.
This week, the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs and the House Committee on Financial Services held a second round of hearings, as a follow-up to the hearings held
On Friday, the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance closed ISN Bank, headquartered in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and appointed the FDIC as receiver for the bank.
On Friday, the Oregon Division of Finance and Corporate Securities closed LibertyBank, headquartered in Eugene, Oregon, and appointed the FDIC as receiver for the bank.
On Friday, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency closed Home National Bank, headquartered in Blackwell, Oklahoma, and the FDIC was appointed receiver.