A recent defeat by a student-loan creditor could turn out to be a victory for the industry overall.
On March 23, 2010, the United States Supreme Court decided an important case concerning a student-loan creditor’s motion to void a bankruptcy court’s judgment.1 The creditor brought this motion after initiating collection efforts and in response to the debtor’s request to cease and desist those efforts.
On Friday, the Florida Office of Financial Regulation closed Sterling Bank, headquartered in Lantana, Florida, and appointed the FDIC as receiver for the bank. As receiver, the FDIC entered into a purchase and assumption agreement with IBERIABANK, headquartered in Lafayette, Louisiana, to assume all of the deposits of Sterling Bank.
On Friday, the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services closed Home Valley Bank, headquartered in Cave Junction, Oregon, and appointed the FDIC as receiver for the bank.
Yesterday, Treasury released its most recent transactions report for the period ending July 20, 2010. The report shows the completed exchange of Treasury's $400 million of preferred stock in First BanCorp for $424,174,000 of mandatorily convertible preferred stock (MCP), which is equivalent to the initial investment amount of $400 million plus $24,174,000 of capitalized previously accrued and unpaid dividends.
The US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) estimates that by the end of 2010, more than 300 banks will have failed, and that the cost of resolving these failures may reach $100 billion over the next four years.1
On July 16th, the OCC announced that it has approved the use of a shelf charter for the acquisition of a failed bank, allowing NAFH National Bank, Miami, Florida, to acquire two banks in Florida and one in South Carolina. This is the second instance in which a shelf charter was approved for use in such an acquisition. OCC Press Release.
On Friday, the Kansas Office of the State Bank Commissioner closed Thunder Bank, headquartered in Sylvan Grove, Kansas, and appointed the FDIC as receiver for the bank. As receiver, the FDIC entered into a purchase and assumption agreement with Bennington State Bank, headquartered in Salina, Kansas, to assume all of the deposits of Thunder Bank.
On Friday, the Nevada Financial Institutions Division closed SouthwestUSA Bank, headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada, and appointed the FDIC as receiver for the bank. As receiver, the FDIC entered into a purchase and assumption agreement with Plaza Bank, headquartered in Irvine, California, to assume all of the deposits of SouthwestUSA Bank.
On Friday, the Georgia Department of Banking & Finance closed Crescent Bank and Trust Company, headquartered in Jasper, Georgia, and appointed the FDIC as receiver for the bank.