GRATA, - 2020,
GRATA Monthly Summary, January-February 2020, Kyrgyzstan
Table of content:
1 On clarification on the procedure for installing and , using equipment designed to accept payments using bank payment cards or electronic money
2 , On prohibition of activities related to geological
exploration for the purpose of prospecting, exploration
, , and development of uranium and thorium deposits in
the Kyrgyz Republic
3 " On adoption of the Law on the national budget of the
Nuo banko „Snoras“ bankroto paskelbimo praėjo beveik penkeri metai. 2011 m. lapkričio 16 dieną Lietuvos bankas paskelbė „Snoro“ veiklos apribojimą, o lapkričio 24 dieną kreipėsi į teismą dėl banko bankroto.
Dauguma asmenų, turėjusių bankrutavusiame banke indėlius ir indėlių sertifikatus, jau gavo 100 000 Eur neviršijančias draudimo išmokas. Tačiau banko obligacijų turėtojai liko nuošalyje – jų įsigytų obligacijų atžvilgiu banko „Snoras“ nemokumo rizika nebuvo draudžiama, todėl ir draudimo išmoka mokama nebuvo.
According to the Court of Appeal, instead of entirely putting an end to bankruptcy operations, the decision to close the bankruptcy case only "suspends the bankruptcy process", while restoring individual rights to creditors. The appeal judges further indicated that "the bankruptcy regime stops existing, but the debtor remains under the threat of the re-opening of bankruptcy operations, which virtually survive".
Capital call subscription credit facilities (each, a “Facility”) continued their positive momentum in 2013 and had an excellent year as an asset class. As in the recent past, investor (“Investor”) funding performance remained as pristine as ever, and the only exclusion events we are aware of involved funding delinquencies by noninstitutional Investors (in many cases subsequently cured). Correspondingly, we were not consulted on a single Facility payment event of default in 2013.
Luxembourg court decisions allow secured lenders to enforce Gecina share pledge.
A controversial insolvency dispute winding its way through courts in Spain and Luxembourg may reinforce the rights of secured lenders to enforce financial collateral within an insolvency proceeding. While the recent Luxembourg Tribunal decision enforcing a financial collateral pledge for payment default appears to favor the secured lenders, a potentially contradictory decision from the Spanish Commercial Courts throws the issue into uncertain territory.
Any lending of funds needs to be adequately secured. This is a practice which every lender knows and should observe in order to adequately protect his credit. However, the meaning of "adequate security" is not straight forward and lenders must be careful when selecting their preferred security
On 23 June 2017, a reform to the Federal Criminal Code was enacted to classify the criminal offense of “illegal extrajudicial debt collection” established in article 284 Bis.
El pasado 15 de diciembre de 2017 se publicó en el DOF la Sexta Resolución de Modificaciones a la Resolución Miscelánea Fiscal para 2017 y sus anexos 1, 1-A y 23. De su contenido, destacan los siguientes temas: