There has been no shortage of distressed airlines over the last 2.5 years as the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic reverberations wreaked havoc across the aviation sector and travel industry alike. Virgin Atlantic Airlines, Norwegian Air, Garuda, Malaysia Airlines (its leasing wing MAB Leasing Limited), AirAsia X and SAS are just some of the airlines to have gone through, or are in the process of, debt restructurings or deployment of asset and liability management strategies.
Unternehmen sind weiter unter Druck
Seit Beginn der Covid-19 Pandemie Anfang 2020 ist unsere Wirtschaft im Krisenmodus. Immerhin haben staatliche Unterstützungsmaßnahmen die Anzahl der Unternehmensinsolvenzen während der Pandemie auf einem niedrigen Niveau gehalten. Zu erwähnen ist hier vor allem der zwischen den Kreditversicherern und der Bundesregierung abgestimmte Schutzschirm für Lieferketten: Der Bund hatte sich dazu verpflichtet, 2020 und 2021 eine Garantie für Entschädigungszahlungen der Kreditversicherer in Höhe von 30 Mrd. Euro zu übernehmen.
The Irish Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment signed into law the European Union (Preventive Restructuring) Regulations 2022 on 29 July 2022. This is the first significant piece of legislation dealing with corporate rescue in Ireland since 1990, when the jurisdiction's examinership process was first codified.
On 11th November 2022, Mr Justice Zacaroli handed down judgment on an application for directions made by the officeholders of ten different energy supply companies (“ESC” or “ESCs”) seeking clarification on issues arising in the insolvencies of the ESCs which had not previously been the subject of judicial consideration.
In terms of quantum, the issues were valued at in excess of a hundred million pounds across the ten insolvencies and potentially many more millions of pounds on other ESC insolvencies not before the court.
Setting aside a transaction on the basis that it was an extortionate credit transaction under the Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986 or the “Act”) is difficult. A bargain may be hard or even unreasonable, but that does not make it extortionate. The most important term to any credit transaction is usually the interest rate and that is most likely to be subject to scrutiny when considering whether or not a credit transaction contained grossly exorbitant terms.
In the context of a trade finance dispute, the High Court has considered the contractual interpretation of an irrevocable letter of credit incorporating the commonly used code in the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits 600 (UCP 600), published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). In particular, the court held that the issuer’s interpretation of the letter of credit would, in practice, render the instrument revocable, which was inconsistent with the UCP and therefore not the proper construction.
Cryptocurrency exchange FTX has filed for bankruptcy in the USA after the proposed bail-out by rival exchange, Binance, fell through earlier this week.
With rising insolvency rates, driven in particular by the number of creditors’ voluntary liquidations reaching record highs, the decision in the recent Court of Appeal case of PSV 1982 Limited v Langdon [2022] EWCA Civ 1319 serves as a timely reminder for directors of the personal risks involved in re-using the name of a liquidated company.
As well as the Deka Legal Bake, last week witnessed the publication of the updated ASHE and a further judgment on the subject of jurisdiction, which seems to be a growth area in satellite litigation, perhaps unsurprisingly given the effect of Exit Day.