Coronavirus (Covid-19), Uyuşmazlık Çözümü

COVID-19 (korona virüs) salgın hastalığının ülkemizde yayılmasını önlemek amacıyla alınan tedbirler kapsamında; 22.03.2020 tarihli ve 31076 sayılı Resmî Gazete’de İcra ve İflas Takiplerinin Durdurulması Hakkında Cumhurbaşkanı Kararı (“Cumhurbaşkanı Kararı”) yayımlanmış ve yürürlüğe girmiştir.

Cumhurbaşkanı Kararı’nın 1. (birinci) maddesi ile;


The outbreak of COVID-19 has been declared as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. As the outbreak has become a critical threat, every country has started taking significant measures to protect people’s health. Turkey, as a response to the outbreak, has also taken several legal measures as well as social measures to ensure the health of the community.


In scope of the measures taken to prevent COVID-19 outbreak from spreading within our country, the Presidential Decree on Suspension of the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Proceedings dated 21 March 2020 and numbered 2279 (“the Presidential Decree”), which was issued based on Article 330 of the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Act, has entered into force upon publication in the Official Gazette dated 22 March 2020 and numbered 31076.


Recent Developments 

The Law on the Amendment to the Income Tax Law and Certain Laws (the "Omnibus Bill") entered into force upon its publication on the Official Gazette No. 30836 dated July 19, 2019. The Omnibus Bill includes provisions for financial restructuring and tax related matters.

What’s New?

Financial Restructuring


İşbu bilgi notu, 7101 sayılı İcra ve İflâs Kanunu ve Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun’un (“7101 Sayılı Kanun”) konkordatoya ilişkin bir hüküm olan İcra İflas Kanunu’nun (“İİK”) 296. maddesinin  sözleşmelerin yürürlükleri bakımından etkileri hakkında bilgilendirmede bulunmak amacıyla hazırlanmıştır.

Konkordatoya ilişkin yapılan değişikliklerle kanun koyucu maddi hukuka müdahale edebilmektedir. (İİK madde 294/1, 294/3, 294/4, 294/6, 296/1, 296/2).


Yeni Gelişme  

Türkiye Bankalar Birliği, hazırladığı Finansal Yeniden Yapılandırma Çerçeve Anlaşması'nı ("Önceki Çerçeve Anlaşma") büyük ölçekli ("Büyük Ölçekli Çerçeve Anlaşma") ve küçük ölçekli ("Küçük Ölçekli Çerçeve Anlaşma") borçlular için iki farklı çerçeve sözleşme olacak şekilde bölmek üzere değişiklik yaptı.

Değişiklik ne getiriyor?


Recent Development

The Financial Restructuring Framework Agreement ("PreviousFA") drafted by the Banks Association of Turkey was revised to be divided into two separate framework agreements for large scale (the "Large Scale FA") and small-scale (the "Small Scale FA") debtors.

What's New?



"Banking Law" means the Banking Law of Turkey No. 5411.

"BRSA" means the Banking Regulatory and Supervisory Authority of Turkey.

"Creditors" means Turkish banks, financial leasing companies, factoring companies and financing companies and Foreign Credit Institutions and International Organizations.


1. Nature of process 

Chapter 11 used to effect operational restructuring, deleverage balance sheet, and/or commence asset sale of the business as a going concern

Insolvency Act process primarily used to effect a pre-packaged sale of the business or assets effected by administrators (i.e. external qualified appointees).

Our assessments regarding the legal procedures within the scope of branch liquidation transactions to be followed in compliance with the Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102 (“TCC”) and before the Istanbul Trade Registry Directorate regarding the liquidation process of the Center Abroad Turkey Branch.

I. Regarding The Closing – Liqudiation Procedures Of Center Abroad Turkey Branch
