I cd. NPL (non performing loans, letteralmente mutui non performanti) sono, sostanzialmente, crediti per i quali la riscossione è incerta, sia dal punto di vista del rispetto della scadenza originaria che per quanto riguarda l’ammontare del possibile recupero; essi sono anche detti, nel linguaggio bancario, crediti deteriorati.


On 16 November 2015, Italy implemented the European Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (“BRRD”)1 through the publication in the Italian Official Gazette of the Legislative Decrees no. 180 and no. 181 (the “Decrees” and, respectively, the “Decree 180” and “Decree 181”).


In order to assess whether or not an insurance company is in a state of insolvency, the yardstick to be used is not the same as for any other enterprise.


Nearly a year ago, the Italian Parliament passed Law 155/2017 giving the Government twelve months to adopt a root and branch reform of the rules governing business distress and insolvency procedures, taking into account European legislation (EU Regulation 2015/848, Commission Recommendation 2014/135) and the principles of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law.


Astaldi, the Italian multinational construction company, filed on Friday (28 September) for concordato in bianco. This is an in-court restructuring proceeding under the Italian Bankruptcy Law, which imposes a standstill period for up to six months. Astaldi’s reference to certain provisions in the Bankruptcy Law indicates that it intends to use the standstill period to prepare for a concordato preventivo filing.


Another step towards a lender-friendly environment, but the new form of pledge is being delayed

The Italian Parliament passed law No. 155 of 19 October 2017 to delegate the Government to reform the rules on insolvency and financial distress. This has been commented widely in the press and between commentantors, as it is expected to bring about significant developments (we have previously reported here).


Significant innovations have been introduced in Italy by Law Decree no. 83 of 27 June 2015 (entitledUrgent Measures on Insolvency, Civil and Procedural Matters and the Organization and Functioning of Judicial Commissioners (the "Decree").The Decree was converted by the Italian Parliament into statutory law no.132 enacted 6 August 2015 (the "Conversion Law").


The most innovative features of the new Insolvency Code include, among others: (i) the introduction of safeguard obligations aimed at detecting corporate distress and promoting the adoption of restructuring tools at an early stage; (ii) a more favourable approach to procedures allowing for business continuation on a going concern basis, as opposed to those leading to liquidation of the company; and (iii) specific provisions concerning the insolvency / restructuring of company groups.



Il D.L. 24 agosto 2021 n. 118 (Decreto Crisi d’Impresa) è ora legge: il 23 ottobre 2021 è stata pubblicata in Gazzetta Ufficiale la L. 147/2021 di conversione del D.L.


The conversion into statute on 23 October 2021 of the so-called Business Distress Bill adds new provisions to those recently adopted by the Italian government to address corporate distress following the COVID-19 pandemic, to provide companies with new legal tools to prevent the onset of economic distress or overcome reversible financial instability.
