Introduction Following recent proposed changes to UK restructuring and insolvency law, a new European Union (“EU”) directive concerning restructuring within EU Member States proposed by the European Commission (“Commission”) has reached an advanced stage.
1. El supuesto de hecho
Una sociedad eslovaca productora de bebidas alcohólicas, que había conseguido un aplazamiento de su deuda fiscal previa constitución de garantías, no pudo hacer frente a los pagos pactados y, en consecuencia, presentó la solicitud de iniciación de un procedimiento de convenio de acreedores ante el tribunal regional competente, proponiendo el pago del 35 % de la deuda, que ascendía a un total de 21,4 millones de euros, de los cuales 21,3 correspondían a la deuda fiscal.
English law restructuring and insolvency tools are used to implement financial restructurings and the external administration of foreign companies. The attractiveness of the English tools and legal system is highlighted by the prevalence of companies incorporated abroad, especially companies incorporated in the EU, which avail themselves of those tools. English law in this area is impacted by much European law.
The Recast Insolvency Regulation 2015/848 governs cross-border insolvency proceedings within the European Union. It provides in particular for the opening of the main proceedings by the jurisdiction of the member state where the centre of the debtor’s main interests is located (presumed to be the place of its registered office) and the opening of one or more secondary proceedings in the member states where the debtor possesses an establishment.
Over the Bank holiday weekend, the UK government announced that it intends to introduce new legislation to implement certain measures (detailed below) as soon as parliamentary time permits.
FINANCIAL REGULATORY DEVELOPMENTS FOCUS JUNE 7, 2018 ISSUE 22 In this week’s newsletter, we provide a snapshot of the principal U.S., European and global financial regulatory developments of interest to banks, investment firms, broker-dealers, market infrastructure providers, asset managers and corporates. Click here if you wish to access our Practice Group/Industry website. IN THIS ISSUE Bank Prudential Regulation & Regulatory Capital ..............................................................................................
Basel and other regulators seem to regard credit risk as being under control and have identified reputational and IT risks – risk you cannot close off with prudential capital charges – as the sources of the next crisis. Another one being talked about is potential illiquidity for funds, which are buying more illiquid assets in the hunt for yield.
Im Rahmen der Globalisierung sind Unternehmen regelmig nicht nur im Grndungsland, sondern in mehreren Rechtsordnungen ttig. Fr den Fall, dass ein Unternehmen scheitert, sind daher bestimmte Regeln erforderlich, die ein eventuelles Insolvenzverfahren vorhersehbar machen. In der EU gibt es derzeit zwei Verordnungen1, die fr die Zeit vor bzw. die Zeit ab 24.06.2015 gelten.
Grenzberschreitende Insolvenz in der EU
In the context of globalisation, companies are often active not only in the country of incorporation but also in several other legal systems. If a company fails, there is a need for rules that make the insolvency proceedings predictable. In the EU there are two current regulations1 to take into account, one applicable before and one after 24.06.2015.
Cross-border insolvency in the EU