In a bid to reinforce the Capital Markets Union (the “CMU”), on the 7th December 2022 the European Commission unveiled the “Proposal for a Directive Of The European Parliament And Of The Council harmonising certain aspects of insolvency law” [1] (the “Proposed Directive”).


On 7 December 2022, the EU Commission issued a proposal for a Directive harmonising certain aspects of insolvency law. In this article, we focus on insolvency avoidance rights from a Slovak law perspective and the impact of the Proposed Directive.

The EU Commission issued a proposal for a Directive harmonising certain aspects of insolvency law, EU (COM(2022) 702 final. Although still being discussed, the Proposal is unlikely to result in material amendments to existing Bulgarian insolvency avoidance actions, which follows the principles set out in the Proposal and in many ways affords creditors a greater level of protection. Nevertheless, certain time periods and rules on the implementation of the avoidance actions may need to be amended in the Bulgarian law.


Ein Überblick über Inhalt und Anforderungen der planergänzenden Sanierungsinstrumente des StaRUG zum zielgerichteten Einsatz in der Praxis.

The Lindahl tax team summarises two items of good news in the sphere of tax that arise in the case of restructurings: the proposal by the Ministry of Finance concerning new rules on deductions for previous years’ losses and a ruling from the Supreme Administrative Court stating that refusing interest deductions for intra-group acquisitions of shares is contrary to EU law in some cases.



Lindahs skattegrupp sammanfattar två positiva nyheter på skatteområdet som aktualiseras vid omstruktureringar; Finansdepartementets förslag om nya avdragsregler för tidigare års underskott, samt en dom från HFD som konstaterar att nekat ränteavdrag vid koncerninterna förvärv av aktier i vissa fall strider mot EU-rätten

Förslag om nya regler om avdrag för tidigare års underskott

Den 22 januari 2024 publicerade Finansdepartementet en promemoria där man föreslår ändringar av reglerna om avdrag för tidigare års underskott.


While there is a certain alignment between the proposed EU Directive on harmonisation of insolvency law and Luxembourg law, Luxembourg legislation will a priori need to be amended on several key points to be in line with the Proposal.


Rules governing the avoidance of preferences (article 6 of the Proposal) find their equivalent in articles 445 and 446 of the Luxembourg Commercial Code.

Some marginal amendments are likely to be required, inter alia to reflect:

The principles outlined in the European Commission's proposal for a Directive harmonising certain aspects of insolvency law is not expected to lead to extensive reform of Belgian rules since Belgian law already provides a clear set of rules that give creditors and trustees instruments to avoid contestable acts in the context of bankruptcy, which, in some cases, go further than the principles set out in this Proposal.

El pasado 20 de julio de 2023 fue publicado en el Boletín Oficial de Estado el Real Decreto 668/2023, de 18 de julio, que modificó el Reglamento de planes y fondos de pensiones al objeto de completar la regulación e impulso de los planes de pensiones de empleo y reforzar así, el segundo pilar de la previsión social en España. Este artículo aborda las principales novedades del último desarrollo reglamentario y repasa algunos de los retos que persisten de cara a impulsar y consolidar el segundo pilar y motivar el ahorro.