Starting from March 1, 2017, the Slovak personal insolvency regime will change. The new system aims to make personal insolvency available to a wider debtor audience, while keeping it simple and cost efficient. Today, only individuals with assets over €1,659.70 can seek declaration of bankruptcy. Otherwise, the proceedings could be stopped and the doors to a “fresh start” closed for “poor” debtors (also called No Income No Asset debtors (NINA)).


The Slovak personal insolvency regime will change on March 1, 2017. The new system is aimed at opening personal insolvency to a wider debtor audience, while keeping it simple and cost effective. Today, only those individuals with assets over EUR 1,659.70 could seek a declaration of bankruptcy. Otherwise, the proceedings would be stopped and the doors to a “fresh start” would be closed for “poor” debtors (also called No Income No Asset debtors (NINAs)).


Are you already a board member or executive of a Slovak company or about to become one? If so, you should know about the proposed amendment to the Slovak Commercial Code. The amendment aims to address the so-called “white horses” and “tunneling (asset stripping)” of the companies.


As of 1 January 2018, those who are obliged to file a petition for declaration of bankruptcy of a company will face stricter liability in Slovakia. This could result in them being required to pay a fine/damages and can even result in their disqualification from sitting on boards of Slovak companies.


The Slovak Ministry of Justice was very busy last year, and the recent amendment to the Commercial Code introduces a number of provisions that are aimed at fixing local malpractice related to mergers and liquidation of companies, use of “straw men” as executives and the impact of bad decisions of shareholders on the local affiliates.

In a previous post, we covered the topic of increased liability of executives for not filing the petition for bankruptcy. However, the Ministry of Justice did not stop just there.

Corporate Veil Pierced


At the end of April 2015 the National Council of  the Slovak Republic adopted Act No. 87/2015  Coll., which amends and supplements Act No. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code, as amended, and also amends and supplements certain acts (the Amendment). The Amendment will significantly affect the content of the corporate law in Slovakia.


This article considers the landmark case by the Hong Kong Court of First Instance, in Joint and Several Liquidators of CEFC Shanghai International Group Ltd [2020] HKCFI 167. It is a significant step that the Hong Kong Courts have taken, enhancing cross-border insolvency cooperation between Mainland China and Hong Kong.



China is one of the largest manufacturers and consumers of iron and steel products.   The steel industry in China has developed over several decades into the biggest in the world. China accounts for nearly 50% of world steel production. It has been driven by rapid modernization of its economy, construction, infrastructure and manufacturing industries.

Key Points

  • Announcement 72 to elaborate on how the cross-border equity transfer can qualify for the special tax treatment
  • Clarifies the rules to ensure no tax-avoidance purpose would be involved in the restructure as well as sets forth the rule on relevant filing procedures

