The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (“CIGA“) ushered in a flexible restructuring compromise or arrangement for companies in financial difficulty (the “Restructuring Plan“). The legislation governing the Restructuring Plan sits alongside that for schemes of arrangement and is included in a new Part 26A to the Companies Act 2006.

The Restructuring Plan does not apply to companies that are solvent with no risk of insolvency; rather it only applies to companies where two conditions have been satisfied:


Esta é a primeira edição do “Brasília em Pauta”, um boletim preparado pela equipe de Contencioso de Brasília, contendo os principais casos a serem julgados pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) e Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), bem como importantes questões a serem votadas pela Câmara dos Deputados e Senado Federal.


A pandemia acarretada pelo Covid-19 impactou severamente a atividade econômica, diante da necessidade de adoção de medidas cada vez mais restritivas com o objetivo de diminuir a curva de propagação do coronavírus.

O impacto econômico está sendo sentido por diversos setores da economia, sendo que a mudança abrupta no cenário financeiro surpreendeu o mercado como um todo e tem tornado cada vez mais difícil o cumprimento de obrigações pelas partes contratantes.


O Conselho Nacional de Justiça (“CNJ”) aprovou, na 307ª Sessão Ordinária, realizada de forma virtual no dia 31 de março de 2020, orientações para os juízos competentes para processamento de recuperações judiciais, diante do estado de calamidade pública e severo impacto econômico gerados pelo COVID-19.

As orientações foram aprovadas pelo CNJ por meio do Ato Normativo nº 0002561-26.2020.2.00.0000, sob relatoria do Conselheiro Relator Henrique Ávila.


At the III Commercial Law Conference held on June 7, 2019, the Council of the Federal Justice approved Precedent No. 104, according to which there will be no transfer of liabilities regarding financial penalties imposed under Law No. 12.846/2013 (Clean Company Act) on the acquirer of assets when the acquisition is based on article 60 of Law No. 11,101/2005 (Brazilian Restructuring and Bankruptcy Law).


Although in some jurisdictions arbitration is a long-established form of alternative dispute resolution, this mechanism has only recently been regulated in Brazil. The Brazilian Commercial Code, enacted in 1850, already included a few sparse provisions regarding commercial arbitration, but there were no references to specific rules. It was not until 1996 that Brazil passed its first specific arbitration statute, Law No. 9,307/96 (Arbitration Law).


By an ordinance (Mandatsbescheid) issued on March 1, 2015, the Austrian Financial Market Authority (“FMA”) has initiated the resolution of HETA ASSET RESOLUTION AG (“HETA”). HETA is the “bad bank” that was established to assume and manage large parts of the Austrian Bank Hypo-Alpe-Adria, which was required to be resolved in accordance with EU regulations. HETA is 100 percent owned by the Republic of Austria, and it currently manages assets worth approximately EUR 18 billion.


The first half of 2019 continues a long growth rally for the fund finance market, with fund finance deal volume at Mayer Brown significantly up from last year. This growth occurred despite a three-year decline in the number of final fund closings.1 This apparent contradiction can be explained both by the penetration of traditional subscription credit facilities into a broader range of fund types and the diversification of fund finance product offerings in the market (including a notable uptick in the number of hybrid facility and net asset value credit facility closings).

Bank structural reform: too big to fail, too big to save and too complex to manage, supervise and resolve? 1.1 The case for bank structural reform Bank structural reform is the result of a global financial crisis which developed in the summer of 2007 and became obvious in the EU in the latter part of 2008. The EU Member States that share an economic and monetary union (‘the Eurozone’) began to appear particularly vulnerable: the Greek sovereign debt crisis became apparent in early 2010 and serious economic problems emerged in Ireland, Portugal, Italy and Spain.


The Supreme Court (unanimously dismissing the appeal in Trustees of Olympic Airlines SA Pension &Life Assurance Scheme v Olympic Airlines SA) has held that “economic activity” is central to the definition of “establishment” in the Insolvency Regulation1.
