Op 26 mei 2020 heeft de Tweede Kamer het wetsvoorstel Wet Homologatie Onderhands Akkoord (WHOA) aangenomen. Als de Eerste Kamer dit voorstel eveneens goedkeurt, is de WHOA een feit en kunnen huurder-schuldenaars die in financiële nood verkeren onder voorwaarden wijzigingen laten aanbrengen in lopende huurovereenkomsten, of deze zelfs geheel doen eindigen. De verwachting is dat de WHOA op 1 januari 2021 in werking zal treden.


LAW & TAX Swiss Restructuring & Insolvency in a nutshell loyensloeff.com LAW & TAX Introduction Ever-changing market conditions require businesses to continuously monitor their earnings and liquidity situation as well as their debt structure. In addition, the overall economic situation remains uncertain and asks for continued operational flexibility and resilience. Thus, it is not surprising that companies need to rethink their organisational obligations in restructuring and insolvency situations.


Right to carry out profit-making activities without limitation

Under the regime provided for by the Belgian law of 27 June 1921 (the Law of 1921), INPAs are prohibited from carrying out industrial or commercial operations unless the latter remain ancillary to their non-profit activities.


Certain governments have taken (extensive) measures to help businesses and its employees. This leads to an entire new and unprecedented market situation and results in sometimes unprecedented legal issues which require swift but thorough assessment, both from a national and cross-border perspective. To provide companies and its directors with some general guidelines in these times of uncertainty, our international Restructuring and Insolvency team has prepared an overview of certain pressing legal issues.

La loi du 15 avril 2018 portant réforme du droit des entreprises bouleverse indéniablement la législation économique en Belgique. Désormais, la réglementation propre aux entreprises est refondue et englobe les associations (internationales) sans but lucratif (AS(I)BL) et les fondations notamment sous l’égide du Code de Droit Economique (CDE). Toutes les A(I)SBL sont maintenant pleinement considérées comme des entreprises. Mais quelles en sont les conséquences pratiques ?

Le concept d’entreprise redéfini


Op 7 juni 2019 heeft de Hoge Raad uitspraak gedaan in een procedure over de niet-voortzettingseis in de liquidatieverliesregeling die Loyens & Loeff namens een cliënt heeft gevoerd tegen de Belastingdienst.


As from 1 May 2018, a comprehensive reform of the Belgian insolvency framework entered into force. The old framework consisted of two separate laws governing respectively bankruptcy and judicial reorganization. The new legal framework incorporates both regimes in Book XX of the Belgian Code of Economic Law.



Crusade against dormant companies: make sure you file your annual accounts on time!



As a general rule, lodging an appeal against a judgment no longer suspends its enforceability. This should accelerate the recovery of outstanding debt in Belgium.

Recovering outstanding debt in Belgium can feel like a long-winded and sometimes frustrating job. A creditor who obtained a judgment against a defaulting debtor is often confronted with an appeal by that debtor, lodged with the only intention to put the enforcement of this judgment on a back burner. Most courts of appeal built up a large backlog as a result of the massive workload of among others these dilatory appeals.


The recast Insolvency Regulation of 20 May 2015 embodies a further step towards the harmonisation of European Union insolvency law. The main provisions are set to apply to insolvency proceedings as of 26 June 2017.

The key changes relate to a broader scope, the “centre of main interests” (COMI) concept, secondary proceedings, group insolvencies and the introduction of insolvency registers. Overall, the new elements will increase the chance of a positive outcome in complex cross-border insolvencies and offer better cooperation and transparency.
