The restructuring & insolvency Q&A series provides a comprehensive overview of some of the key points of law and practice of the regulatory environment in Luxembourg. Today's chapter focuses on the legal framework.

What domestic legislation governs restructuring and insolvency matters in your jurisdiction?

The statutory moratorium imposed by Royal Decree n° 15 to protect debtors affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis from their creditors is extended by decision of the Belgian federal government from 17 May 2020 to (and including) 17 June 2020.

The statutory moratorium imposes a stay on creditors’ right to enforce debts, terminate or dissolve existing agreements early and initiate bankruptcy proceedings and forced transfer of assets under judicial reorganisation.


Op 17 april 2020 heeft de Hoge Raad een belangrijk tussenarrest gewezen inzake het pre-pack faillissement van Heiploeg. Uit dit arrest blijkt dat de Hoge Raad van oordeel is dat de regels van Overgang van Onderneming (hieronder nader uiteengezet) niet van toepassing zijn bij een doorstart na faillissement.


Belgium has already taken numerous measures to mitigate the economic impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The federal government has now also decided temporarily to protect debtors affected by the coronavirus crisis from creditors by imposing a stay on creditors’ right of creditors to enforce debts, terminate or dissolve existing agreements early and initiate bankruptcy proceedings.


The banking regulation Q&A series provides a comprehensive overview of the rules governing the banking sector in Luxembourg. Today's chapter focuses on recovery, resolution and liquidation.

What options are available where banks are failing in your jurisdiction?


Recent werden twee koninklijke besluiten (KB nr. 45 en nr. 46) gepubliceerd waarin enkele bijkomende steunmaatregelen voorzien worden in het kader van de COVID-19-uitbraak. Deze voorzien enerzijds de mogelijkheid voor de opname van voltijds corona-ouderschapsverlof en anderzijds enkele nuttige maatregelen tot herverdelen van de arbeid, waaronder het corona-tijdskrediet, voor ondernemingen in herstructurering of moeilijkheden.

Uitbreiding corona-ouderschapsverlof


On 17 April 2020 the Supreme Court handed down an important interim judgment concerning the pre-pack bankruptcy of Heiploeg. In this judgment, the Supreme Court holds that the rules on the Transfer of Undertakings (as explained further below) do not apply to a restart following bankruptcy. In addition, the Supreme Court holds that the rules on the Transfer of Undertakings do not always apply in the case of a restart that has been prepared by means of a pre-pack. The Supreme Court takes the view that in the pre-pack bankruptcy of Heiploeg these rules do not apply.

The restructuring & insolvency Q&A series provides a comprehensive overview of some of the key points of law and practice of the regulatory environment in Luxembourg. Today's chapter focuses on tips and traps.

What are your top tips for a smooth restructuring and what potential sticking points would you highlight?

Where Luxembourg holding or bond issuing companies are key to a distressed group, the following points are often misunderstood or considered too late, thus jeopardising a smooth restructuring;


On 19 June 2020, following the consultation, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the partial revision of the Swiss Federal Banking Act (Bundesgesetz über die Banken und Sparkassen, Bankengesetz). The legislative amendment intends to strengthen customer and depositor protection and promote system stability.

The partial revision focuses on three main areas: (i) the restructuring proceedings for banks, (ii) deposit insurances and (iii) intermediated securities.


Foreign bankruptcy and insolvency decrees generally remain without legal effect in Switzerland. A foreign bankruptcy or insolvency decree must first be recognized by the competent Swiss court. In a newly published decision, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court further clarified the recently revised provisions governing the recognition and the following procedure.

Introduction and background
