Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on insolvency proceedings (recast) (the “Recast Insolvency Regulation“) applies to insolvency proceedings opened after 26 June 2017. Ordinance of 2 November 2017 (the “Ordinance“) amended the French Code de commerce to reflect the Recast Insolvency Regulation by inserting a new Title IX into Book VI.
Judicial remedies against the opening of main insolvency proceedings
The European regulation of 20 May 2015 on insolvency proceedings (the “Insolvency Regulation”) came into force a year ago, significantly modifying European insolvency law. An ordinance published in November 2017 started the process of adapting French law to reflect the requirements of the Insolvency Regulation. A decree of 5 June 2018 (the “Decree”) modifying the regulatory part of Book VI of the French Code de Commerce is the final piece in the jigsaw.
The ordinance n°2017-748 dated 4 May 2017 to enter into force on 1 October 2017, completely reshapes the legal regime of the security agent, widely inspired by the security agent regime under OHADA law. Thus, French law continues its modernisation and attractiveness programme by creating a legal instrument able to compete with the security trustee involved in syndicated loans and bond issues in common law countries. The new provisions will clarify the legal regime of the security agent and reinforce creditors' protection, through:
PARLIB01/ZZZPARP/1030762.3 Hogan Lovells French Legal and Regulatory Update – May 2016 The Paris office of Hogan Lovells is pleased to provide this English language edition of our monthly e-newsletter, which offers a legal and regulatory update covering France and Europe for May 2016. Please note that French legal concepts are translated into English for information only and not as legal advice. The concepts expressed in English may not exactly reflect or correspond to similar concepts existing under the laws of the jurisdictions of the readers.
There is no equivalent to the English law concept of trust under French law. This means that where a syndicated loan is to be secured by French obligors, security interests must generally be granted independently to each member of the syndicate (there will be a list of pledgees contained in the security document). Any change to that group of lenders would generally entail the transfer of the French law security to each new lender.
France - Bill to adopt by way of orders various measures to simplify and secure the life of businesses
Decree n°2012-1190 dated 25 October 2012 (JORF n°0251 dated 27 October 2012) issued for the implementation of Law n°2012-346 dated 12 March 2012 sets out the rules for implementing conservatory measures within safeguard, reorganisation or liquidation proceedings.
Law n°2011-331 dated 28 March 2011 (OJ of 29 March 2011) relating to modernising the legal professions includes the creation of a secure Internet portal aiming at relaxing the formalities related to insolvency. This national portal will allow the sending and reception of legal proceedings documents, including statements of claim.
Decree n°2011-236 of 3 March 2011 (OJ of 4 March 2011) details the so-called sauvegarde financière accélérée introduced by Law n°2010-1249 of 22 October 2010 (OJ of 23 October 2010) (
Wenn es eilt, bietet die ZPO Mittel und Wege, schnell ans Ziel zu kommen. Der Eilrechtsschutz ist in der COVID-19-Pandemie daher stark im Fokus. Es stellen sich Fragen wie „, Können die Gerichte helfen, die Lieferkette zu stützen?, Wie lässt sich ein Eilverfahren derzeit praktisch durchführen?, Ist durch ‚Corona‘ jetzt alles dringlich?“. Dieser Beitrag unserer Reihe „Coronavirus & Zivilprozess“ verschafft einen Überblick.
Überblick: Eilrechtsschutz mittels Arrest und einstweiliger Verfügung