Considering the new round of The practice concerning liability of controlling persons for debts of legal entities excluded from the unified state register of legal entities (EGRUL) following a decision from tax authority is being developed. In the past the Supreme Court and Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation took different views on this matter: from presumption of guilt for the controlling person to obligation of the creditors of the legal entity to monitor possible exclusion of such entity.


Il Decreto Legge n. 118/2021, proposto dalla Commissione Pagni ed approvato dal Consiglio dei Ministri ad inizio agosto, è stato pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 202 del 24 agosto (“Decreto”).

Con tale Decreto, il Governo ha introdotto nuove e ulteriori misure per contenere e superare le imponenti conseguenze prodotte dall’emergenza epidemiologica in materia di crisi d’impresa e risanamento aziendale.


Notwithstanding the moratorium for bankruptcy, the number of applications for bringing subsidiary liability in the course of bankruptcy proceedings is not decreasing in recent times. The courts extend and specify the range of persons against whom the creditors may successfully assert their claims.   

List of persons is being enlarged


Al fine di mantenere la sopravvivenza e la proattività delle imprese durante la crisi coronavirus, in data 1o aprile 2020 l’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM) ha adottato una comunicazione[1] sull’interpretazione dell’art. 103 del c.d. “Decreto Cura-Italia”[2], con la quale vengono sospesi i pagamenti delle sanzioni tanto in materia di concorrenza quanto di tutela del consumatore.

Obvious issues which come up in a cross-border insolvency context include the jurisdiction / court in which proceedings should be commenced (choice of jurisdiction), which law should be applied to resolve a particular problem (choice of law) whether the judgment of one court will be recognized and enforced in another court (recognition) and how parallel insolvency processes relating to the same debtor should interact (co-operation).


On 23 April 2018, the European Commission opened an in-depth investigation to determine whether the 900 million euro loan granted to the airline Alitaliacomplies with European Union rules for aid to companies in difficulty.

On 22 January 2018, the European Commission found the Croatian plans to grant Uljanik shipyard a State guarantee for a 96 million euro loan to be in line with EU State aid rules.

With its plan, notified to the Commission on 15 January 2018, Croatia aims to enable Uljanik shipyard business continuity, overcome the adverse effects of the financial crisis on the shipbuilding industry and pay wages, suppliers and other urgent liabilities.


A common experience of most European insolvency law systems is the legislators‘ constant swinging backwards and forwards in their attempts to find a balance between the interests of the creditors (which inspired the legislator when insolvency laws were enacted for the first time in1942 in Italy) with those of the debtor and its owners, as well as the need to protect jobs and rescue viable businesses for the benefit of the economy as a whole. The first Italian insolvency law was enacted in 1942, and was modelled on the German Konkursordnung.

A brief presentation of the essay on the subsidiary liability of shareholders and directors by comparing the approach adopted by the Russian Courts – as recently confirmed by the Supreme Courts – with those of other legal systems, the Italian one in particular, to the debated topic of the identification of the circumstances the occurrence of which make it possible to pierce the corporate veil, a topic that would deserve further attention by the Italian legislators, too. 


Sin dall’inizio della crisi sanitaria ed economica causata dall’epidemia di Covid-19 il Governo ha prospettato il possibile ricorso al c.d. golden power a tutela degli interessi strategici nazionali, annunciando anche il suo ampliamento a settori diversi da quelli nei quali tradizionalmente opera.