In the recent decision of Greig William Alexander Mitchell & Ors v Sheikh Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber & Ors[2023] EWHC 364 (Ch), the English High Court was required to consider the question of what duties (if any) a director owes to a BVI company post-liquidation; in particular in light of section 175(1)(b) of the BVI Insolvency Act 2003 (hereinafter, the Act) which expressly provides that upon liquidation “the directors and other officers of the company remain in office, but they cease to have any powers, functions or duties
The Quincecare duty has become a popular tool for companies (or their liquidators) to claim against banks for funds misappropriated on wrongful payment instructions. It requires a bank to refrain from executing a payment order if and for so long as it was put on inquiry by having reasonable grounds for believing that the order was an attempt to misappropriate funds.
On 11 November 2022, Mr Justice Kawaley ordered the first appointment of restructuring officers inRe Oriente Group Limited (FSD 231 of 2022) under the new Cayman Islands restructuring regime, with reserved written reasons to follow. On 15 November 2022, we provided a brief update on some of the key takeaways from the hearing, which can be found here.
As the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands reopens for 2023, it is a good time to reflect on what transpired in 2022. A review of the filings made in the Grand Court throughout 2022 shows a very significant number of cases concerning large-scale cross-border insolvency and restructuring proceedings, as well as various complex commercial disputes.
Statistics from the Grand Court
In October 2022, the Privy Council delivered its judgment in the Z Trust case of Equity Trust (Jersey) Ltd (Respondent) v Halabi (in his capacity as Executor of the Estate of the late Mdam Intisar Nouri) (Jersey)which was consolidated with ITG Ltd and others (Respondents) v Fort Trustees Ltd and another (Appellants) (Guernsey).The Privy Council considered the nature and scope of the right of a former trustee to recover from or be indemnified out of assets of an insolvent trust in respect of liabilities and other expenditures proper
On 11 November 2022, Mr Justice Kawaley ordered the first appointment of restructuring officers inRe Oriente Group Limited (FSD 231 of 2022) under the new Cayman Islands restructuring regime, with reserved written reasons to follow. We provide a brief update on some of the key takeaways from the hearing below.
As a service to our clients, we have prepared this compendium of the Insolvency Act, 2003 together with related regulations and rules, incorporating all amendments to date.
This version of the compendium takes into account changes and updates to the legislation as set out in the recent revisions.
Due to the recent challenging economic environment, the law’s treatment of creditors’ interests in a restructuring or insolvency has been a hot topic. From a creditor’s perspective, its objective will be straightforward: to maximize its recovery as soon as possible when its interests are put at risk by financial challenges facing the debtor. From a shareholder’s perspective, its agenda will generally be quite different: to achieve certainty and stability through a debt restructuring so that the company can stay afloat and carry on business without the risk of a winding up order.
With a marked increase in large-scale cross-border insolvency and restructuring proceedings in the Cayman Islands and elsewhere, there is a greater focus on principles of comity and co-operation between courts and collaboration between officeholders.
英国终审法院最近就 BTI 2014 LLC 诉 Sequana SA 及其他 [2022 UKSC 25] 一案(“Sequana 案”)颁布一份万众期待的判决。Sequana 案的法理将于开曼群岛以至其他普通法司法管辖权区成为极具说服力的法律根据。
Sequana 案是一项有用的判决,原因如下:
- 该案不但确认董事对股东负有受信责任而须真诚以公司最佳利益行事的传统观点,同时指出董事于公司无力偿债或濒临无力偿债或可能进行无力偿债清盘或管理时,须考虑债权人利益或以其行事(“债权人利益责任”)。
- Sequana 为英国终审法院审理的首宗案件裁定董事于哪些情况下必须考虑公司债权人利益,不论债权人利益责任可否于公司无力偿债前触发,以及股东可否认可对债权人利益责任的潜在违反。