The decision of the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands (‘the Cayman Court’) to grant common law recognition and assistance to liquidators appointed by the High Court of Hong Kong (‘the Hong Kong Court’) over an exempted Cayman Islands incorporated company – without parallel insolvency proceedings in Cayman – is likely to be welcomed widely by insolvency practitioners and lawyers involved in cross-border restructuring and insolvency in common law jurisdictions.




2022年8月31日より前、ケイマン裁判所は、会社法(Companies Act)第104条(3)に基づく会社清算請願が提出された場合、以下の両要件を満たすときに、ライトタッチの暫定清算人を選任することができました。


A Court-approved reduction of capital is one of the corporate reorganisation tools that has been successfully deployed by listed companies domiciled in the Cayman Islands in order to manage debt and liquidity.


In the recent decision of FamilyMart China Holding Co v Ting Chuan (Cayman Islands) Holding Corporation [2023] UKPC 33 (FamilyMart),[1] the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (the Board) found that, although an arbitral tribunal does not have the power to determine whether it is just and equitable to wind up a company nor to make a winding u


The Grand Court of the Cayman Islands has recently dismissed a petition for the appointment of restructuring officers pursuant to the restructuring regime introduced in the Cayman Islands in August 2022. The case provides helpful clarification of the nature of evidence that is required to be put before the Court to engage its jurisdiction to appoint restructuring officers and will allow companies to be better prepared when seeking to utilise the Cayman Islands restructuring regime with the benefit of the automatic moratorium.



最近、イギリス(United Kingdom、以下同じ)最高裁判所のある判決では、破産した会社または破産に近い会社の取締役が債権者の利益を考慮に入れる義務が明確になりました。BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SA [2022] UKSC 25はイギリスの会社法に関連していますが、英連邦全体、特にオフショア法域での破産における取締役義務についての解釈などに、広範囲にわたる影響を及ぼします。




In a recent decision, the United Kingdom Supreme Court clarified the duty of directors of insolvent or near insolvent companies to consider the interests of creditors. While BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SA [2022] UKSC 25 relates to company law in the United Kingdom, it will have far reaching implications on the understanding of directors' duties relating to insolvency across the commonwealth and, in particular, offshore jurisdictions.




在最近英国最高法院的一项判决中,资不抵债或接近资不抵债的公司的董事有责任考虑债权人的利益。虽然 BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SA [2022] UKSC 25 涉及英国公司法,但它将对理解英联邦地区清盘情况下的董事职责产生深远影响,尤其是在离岸司法管辖区。


普通法和 2006 年《公司法》均规定公司董事有义务以诚信行事,以促进公司的成功。传统观点认为,公司利益等同于公司股东的利益。近几十年来,法律开始承认,当公司濒临破产或资不抵债时,公司债权人的利益可能会受到公司管理层的影响。因此,法律开始要求董事在破产情况下履行对公司的信托义务时考虑债权人的利益。这条被称为 West Mercia 规则(源自 West Mercia Safetywear Ltd (in liq) v Dodd [1988] BCLC 250)的规则从未在案例中得到一致解释,而法院使用的语言经常混淆规则的性质及其产生的确切情况。


Seahawk China Dynamic Fund: winding up on just and equitable grounds

In a recent decision, the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands grappled with the question of whether the need for an investigation into the affairs of the company is a stand-alone ground for winding up. While the Court did not determine the question conclusively, it did provide an indication of how it may rule if the issue were to be placed squarely before the Court again.

In the Matter of Seahawk China Dynamic Fund


Until the Cayman Islands introduces any changes to its corporate insolvency regime, with the COVID pandemic pushing many groups into the zone of insolvency, the following considerations remain relevant to structures involving a Cayman Islands entity:
