In terms of section 64B(5)(c) of the Act the following amounts will be exempt when distributed in the course of or in anticipation of the liquidation, winding up, deregistration or final termination of the corporate existence of a company or close corporation, provided that certain steps are taken within 18 months from the date of the liquidation distribution, namely;
The toughening of lockdown measures in Spain and resulting closure of all business activities not classed as essential makes it absolutely necessary to keep very much in sight this week the measures approved in the labor and employment field. In the domain of corporate law and commercial contracts, the decision governing the first tranche of guarantees to soften the economic effects of the crisis has already been published in the Spanish Official State Gazette (BOE). As for tax matters, the personal income tax and wealth tax season is about to start.
Reopening to the public of establishments, effects of RDL 16/2020 on procedural, insolvency and tax matters, labor measures in preparation for de-escalation and news on administrative procedures
Las novedades regulatorias que afectan a las empresas se están aprobando de forma constante y continuada. Semana a semana, Garrigues ofrece un resumen de las principales cuestiones que deben tener en cuenta las empresas a lo largo de los próximos días.
La Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo nº1246/2019, de 25 de septiembre anula el art. 197 bis del RD 1065/2007, de 27 de julio por entender que no cuenta con habilitación legal, de modo que la potestad de dictar una liquidación de los elementos de la deuda tributaria vinculados al delito no ampara suficientemente la posibilidad de pasar tanto de culpa o remitir el expediente al Ministerio Fiscal en cualquier momento, incluso cuando ya se ha dictado la liquidación o se ha impuesto la sanción.
Los administradores de una sociedad incursa en causa de disolucin no responden de deudas sociales anteriores a su nombramiento
Los administradores responden de las deudas contradas por la sociedad tras la aparicin de una causa de disolucin si no promueven la ordenada disolucin y liquidacin. Sin embargo, esta obligacin se refiere a las deudas surgidas durante su cargo, de manera que no les son imputables las deudas originadas antes de su nombramiento como administradores, aunque al acceder al cargo la sociedad ya estuviera en causa de disolucin.
The April 29, 2020 edition of the Official State Gazette -BOE- published Royal Decree-Law 16/2020, of April 28, 2020 on procedural and organizational measures to confront COVID-19 in the justice system, aimed primarily at getting the justice system ready for a return to normal operations by the courts and tribunals, finding a quick way through the build-up of proceedings suspended by the declaration of the state of emergency, and adopting measures to cope with an increase in lawsuits as a result of the extraordinary measures that have been adopted and of the economic climate arising
Under article 55 of the Spanish Insolvency Law, it is not allowed after the insolvency order to take individual enforcement action or initiate tax or administrative enforced collection proceedings against the debtor’s property; although until approval of the liquidation plan, administrative enforcement proceedings in which an attachment order has been issued are allowed to continue, together with enforcement actions for employee claims in which the insolvent company's assets have been attached, although certain restrictions apply.
El Tribunal Supremo concluye que la prohibición de ejecuciones una vez abierta la fase de liquidación opera tanto sobre créditos concursales, como sobre los créditos contra la masa, se trate de créditos administrativos o de otros acreedores.
La Ley del IVA (Ley 37/1992, de 28 de diciembre), prevé la posibilidad de que el sujeto pasivo recupere las cuotas del impuesto repercutidas y no cobradas cuando, entre otros supuestos, el destinatario de los bienes o servicios se encuentre inmerso en un procedimiento concursal.