Does the owner bear the risk in case of bankruptcy?
Due to the tense situation in the hotel industry, various lessees are currently approaching their lessors asking for deferral or abatement of rent payments for the period ahead. There are many suggestions for possible compromises - but the insolvency law situation must always be taken into account in order not to create any risks for tenants or lessors. The comments in this article apply equally to hotel usufructuary leases.
Currently discussed compromises
Die Möglichkeiten durch das Gesetz zur Abmilderung der Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie im Zivil-, Insolvenz- und Strafverfahrensrecht für Startups.
The German parliament has adopted new legislation yesterday which is expected to become law soon. This briefing summarises the changes made, as well as a number of other legal aspects we find noteworthy in current times with regard to the real estate sector.
On 25 March 2020, the German Parliament (Bundestag) passed, in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, significant changes in law (the “New Law”). These changes are subject to approval by the Federal Council (Bundesrat), which, however, is expected to be granted soon.
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic (hereafter, “COVID-19”), the closure of numerous shops and other businesses has been ordered by the authorities. Other shops and businesses are suffering losses in sales, some of them severe. As a result, many tenants will find themselves in an economic predicament and will be unable to pay their rent, at least temporarily. The question has therefore already been raised several times as to whether tenants are still obliged to pay rent during the current situation.
- Introduction
The pace at which Corona-Pandemic restricts our way of life and imposes severe consequences on our economy is breathtaking. The results are already evident today with more to come. In widespread parts of the economy, current developments lead to considerable loss of income and drastic decreases in sales and profits.
Die Hotelindustrie gehört zu den Branchen, die von der Corona-Krise am schwersten getroffen werden. Mitunter geht es um das schlichte Überleben der betroffenen Unternehmen. Wir möchten Ihnen in einem interdisziplinären Webinar einige der drängendsten Fragen beantworten, die Ihnen helfen sollen, durch diese herausfordernde Zeit durchzukommen.
Folgende Themen stehen im Fokus des Webinars:
What is new?
Despite the substantial scope of the first package of measures from the German government, the establishment of a "protective shield for employees and companies", it had already become clear that further measures would be necessary to mitigate the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic on the German economy (for the first package, see our newsletter of 18 March 2020).
Eigentümerrisiko im Insolvenzfall?
Aufgrund der angespannten Situation in der Hotelbranche treten aktuell diverse Mieter an ihre Vermieter heran und bitten um Stundung oder Erlass der Mietzahlungen für die kommende Zeit. Die Vorschläge für mögliche Kompromisse sind vielfältig – dabei ist aber immer auch die insolvenzrechtliche Situation zu beachten, um hier keine Risiken für Mieter oder Vermieter zu schaffen. Die Ausführungen dieses Beitrags gelten gleichermaßen auch für Hotelpachtverträge.
Aktuell diskutierte Kompromisse
On 23 March 2020, the German Federal Cabinet adopted further urgent measures to mitigate the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. The package of measures includes an emergency aid programme for micro-enterprises, self-employed persons and freelancers of up to EUR 50 billion and an economic stabilisation fund of EUR 600 billion as well as a Law to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in civil law, insolvency law and criminal proceedings.
Terms of Trade
Ensure your Terms are robust