Eigentümerrisiko im Insolvenzfall?
Aufgrund der angespannten Situation in der Hotelbranche treten aktuell diverse Mieter an ihre Vermieter heran und bitten um Stundung oder Erlass der Mietzahlungen für die kommende Zeit. Die Vorschläge für mögliche Kompromisse sind vielfältig – dabei ist aber immer auch die insolvenzrechtliche Situation zu beachten, um hier keine Risiken für Mieter oder Vermieter zu schaffen. Die Ausführungen dieses Beitrags gelten gleichermaßen auch für Hotelpachtverträge.
Aktuell diskutierte Kompromisse
The UK Court of Appeal has swept aside existing rules governing when administrators have to pay advance rents falling due before their appointment.
In what will be seen as a significant victory for landlords, the Court held on 24 February 2014 that it was not open for administrators to enjoy a rent free period simply because they were appointed just after a quarter day. The decision will have major implications for the planning and implementation of corporate insolvencies and looks set to transform the relationship between insolvency practitioners and the property industry.
National Car Parks' proposed restructuring plan aimed to write-off arrears, cut rents and close unwanted sites but why did the plan stall?
On 30 April 2021, National Car Parks launched its proposed restructuring plan, which is the flagship new restructuring process introduced last June through the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020. Around a dozen restructuring plans have come to market so far, but the NCP plan was only the second (the first being Virgin Active) to involve landlord creditors.
Foreword Head of Real Estate Disputes Mathew Ditchburn considers what 2020 may have "in store". Five minutes with: Hebe Morgan We chat to real estate associate Hebe Morgan who is currently on secondment at M&G Real Estate.
CVA Special: Mathew Ditchburn reports
The recent Court of Appeal case involving Topland Limited and Smiths News Trading Limited was a salutary lesson about the strict rules that protect guarantors and the perils of forgetting them. The facts of the case were relatively simple: Topland owned a commercial property, leased to the rather aptly named Payless DIY Ltd, which became insolvent. Topland brought a claim against the tenant’s guarantor, Smiths, for arrears of over £280,000 and required them to take a new lease for the remainder of the term.
As we head towards the last part of 2020 in the midst of a recession and some of the most challenging business conditions many have ever faced, it is worthwhile considering the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis. Then, in the real estate funds space, there was a shift away from pooled investments through funds and an uptick in real estate joint ventures, as investors sought to take greater control over their investments.
In a decision to be welcomed by ratepayers, the Court of Appeal in Rossendale Borough Council and others v. Hurstwood Properties (A) Limited and others [2019] EWCA Civ 364 has confirmed that certain types of mitigation schemes are not sufficient to pierce the corporate veil and transfer liability for business rates to the beneficiaries of those schemes.
Liability for business rates
The Great Brexit Debate dentons.com Introduction The UK is now counting down to the 23 June 2016 referendum on whether to stay in or leave the European Union. Dentons summarises the background to this momentous choice, and takes a deeper look at some of the legal issues involved in some key areas that would be impacted by a vote to leave the EU.
Federal Law No. 391-FZ on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2015
The Law introduced amendments to various regulatory acts in the area of bankruptcy, notaries, appraisal activities and concession agreements. We will touch on the changes most important for the real estate market:
According to recent Italian case law Real Estate Funds may now enter as debtors into the debt restructuring agreements (so called “accordi di ristrutturazione dei debiti”) provided for by the Italian bankruptcy law.1 Reference is made to Milan Court Decrees 6 November 2015 and 3 December 2015 (the “Case Law”).2