The restructuring practice often calls for creative solutions, especially when the stakes are high and the debtor is in serious financial distress. Many restructuring lawyers have at times faced the question of whether it is possible for a debtor to transfer assets to a creditor subject to the condition precedent of the debtor being declared bankrupt.
This newsletter discusses the draft legislative proposal for a Financial Institutions (Special Measures) Act (Wet bijzondere maatregelen financiële ondernemingen; "Intervention Act") that was recently published for consultation along with a draft explanatory memorandum and a document containing specific questions. The draft proposal would broaden the powers of the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank; "DNB") and the Minister of Finance to intervene at financial institutions that are experiencing "serious problems".
1. Introduction
On 16 September 2011 the Netherlands Supreme Court rendered an important judgment regarding the exercise by a bank of its right to reverse a direct debit (LJN BQ873 SNS Bank/Pasman q.q.). In light of this judgment it can be concluded that, in principle, a bank may exercise its right of reversal not only if the direct debit caused the account to be overdrawn or (if an overdraft facility has been granted) the limit to be exceeded, but also if the bank will, as a result of the debtor/payer's bankruptcy, be unable to recover the claim resulting from the direct debit.
On October 13 2008 the Amsterdam District Court declared the emergency regulations underthe Financial Supervision Act applicable to the Dutch branch of Landsbanki (Icesave).(1) This update looks at:
In cross border financing transactions, a secured creditor should be aware of Dutch law specifics when dealing with a Dutch obligor in financial distress. Below is a highlighted list of specifics for a secured creditor planning to foreclose on its security or when seeking to improve its security position.
Improving security position
Existing Dutch security documents typically provide for possibilities for improving the position of a secured creditor in case of an event of default.
Getting a tighter grip on collateral
On September 23 2009 the Amsterdam District Court granted the holder of a pledge over the shares in the capital of Schoeller Arca Systems Services BV authorization for foreclosure on the pledge by way of a private sale. Foreclosure on a pledge over Dutch shares is rare. The decision introduces the possibility for a secured lender either to wipe out subordinated mezzanine debt or to implement a loan-to-own strategy.
In 2007 Schoeller Arca Systems, its parent and subsidiaries (known as the SAS Group) entered into:
The credit crisis has led to many opportunities for financial and strategic buyers to purchase all or part of a business or assets from financially troubled companies at significantly discounted prices. In such deals, buyers run the risk that the transaction may be set aside on the basis of voidable preference rules (the so-called 'actio pauliana').