In August we reported that the Court of Appeal had expressed doubts as to whether the EAT in Oakland v Wellswood was right to suggest that pre-pack administrations could be insolvencies "begun with a view to liquidation" (so that TUPE does not apply to transfer employees).
Some of the customers of Farepak, the failed Christmas hamper company that went into liquidation with BDO Stoy Hayward some three years ago, will apparently soon receive their first dividend cheques out of the insolvency. Perhaps even in time for Christmas 2009!
It is not uncommon for companies, often property related joint ventures or single purpose vehicles, to be incorporated abroad for tax reasons but carry on much of their business in Scotland or elsewhere in the U.K. This can result in difficulties when determining where to initiate insolvency proceedings.
FSA supported HMRC in its action to wind up The Freedom SIPP, a SIPP operator. It believed this was appropriate to fulfil its consumer protection objective.
Re Stanford International Bank Limited and others [2009] EWHC 1441 (Ch) provides answers to key questions on the UNCITRAL Model Law on cross-border insolvency. What will courts recognise as a “foreign proceeding”? What types of insolvency practitioners will qualify as “foreign representatives”? Is a company’s “centre of main interests” (COMI) always in the country of its registered office? Linda Ralli considers the practical implications for banks which have lent to foreign companies where they are looking to enforce in England.
Summary and implications
Now, more than at any other time of this economic cycle, landlords are faced with the prospect of dealing with tenants who have entered one of the various stages of insolvency and require straightforward solutions to bring their tenancy to an end. Often landlords wish to;
In its previous decision in April the First Tier Tribunal upheld the cross border group relief claims which Marks & Spencer made in respect of its Belgium and German subsidiaries after the subsidiaries had commenced liquidation. The Tribunal held further that, whereas the utilisation of the losses was to be determined by reference to local rules, the unutilised losses had to be re-computed according to UK principles for the purposes of determining the amounts which could be group relieved.
In the current recession landlords are among the fi rst to lose out when a company goes into insolvency, be it a pre-pack sale or a conventional administration process. It is important, therefore, for landlords to know what rights they retain when confronted with the administration of their tenant in order to ensure the full rent is paid - if they are still entitled to it - or, at the very least, to increase their bargaining position. In this article, we look at the circumstances where an administrator is obliged to pay the landlord’s rent in full.
The High Court in England has made an interesting decision in the case of ED Games Limited. A director of that company procured that it did not pay VAT for a period prior to its liquidation and in that period, the net deficit on the company's balance sheet increased. The High Court has held that the director could be held personally liable for the increase in such net deficit.
The making of a bankruptcy order alone will not deprive a judgment creditor of a final charging order where it is obtained before the bankruptcy order is made.